I'm Back!

This is not me, btw: this is someone who can actually surf!

As you may have gathered from the lack of activity over the past eleven days, I've been away on holiday (surfing in Cornwall if you want the details) without any decent Internet access. I'm back now, and will therefore be back to my just-about-daily posts in no time.

First up, I've brought the Painting Challenge Scorecard up to date with all the points submitted up to July 24th. Apologies for the delay, but the waves were calling!

Next, either later today or tomorrow, I'll be updating the Painting Challenge again. It seems like you lot used the fact I was away to go mad with your painting and submitting: I have loads to go through and add.

Coming up over the next month or so will be an expansion of the Arab-Israeli Six Day War lists into lists covering the Yom Kippur War of 1973. If you already have 6DW kit, there's not a lot of extra figures needed: most of the new stuff will need to operate from off-table...but I still want to buy those suitcase Saggers from Khurasan.

And on the wider TFL front, we have the Summer Special and Early War CoC lists to look forward to.

Right:  off to sort out the washing!