TFL Painting Challenge 2018 Now Closed, 2019 Now Open
/So the 2018 TooFatLardies Painting Challenge is now closed…and it has been a very quiet year.
Only thirty-four Lardies have participated, as opposed to forty-seven in 2017. On top of this, of those that had competed before, twenty scored less than last year’s total and only ten scored more.
On the plus side, however, eighteen people have now participated for all of the five years that the Challenge has run, with four more only missing the first year i.e. completing four years in a row.
The good news is, as I mentioned in yesterday’s New Year’s Day post, that I will run the Challenge again in 2019, and declare the competition officially open as from…now! Details are up on the site as usual but, as a quick reminder, send your entries to the usual address (with the photos clearly labelled please!) and I’ll open your gallery with your first entry.
We did have a few last minute entries, listed below:
Mr Hodge took a break from painting from early September to mid-December, but finished the year with a 238-point bang
Sapper popped in a quick unit of 7YW Carabiniers
Some last minute re-basing from Mervyn
And finally Ken admits that he’s been dragging his painting heels for a bit, but also ends the year of a high: a 90-point high to be exact
Clicking on the names highlighted above will take you straight to their individual 2018 Galleries (opens in a new window).
Good luck with 2019…and here’s a couple of picks from the above to encourage you to begin your new year at your painting table rather than in front of the TV!
Spearmen from Ken
The rather magnificently named Schaumburg-Lippe Carabiniers from Sapper
Some of Derek’s final entry for 2018