Another Eastern Orthodox Church?
/It’s happened: I’ve finally cracked!
There am I saving up to buy Museum Miniatures’ excellent, CAD-designed Z Range 15mm Normans when I come across another 15mm Orthodox church.
Borodino Church from Monday Knight Productions
Now for those of you who have not been keeping up with the story so far, I seem to have developed an unhealthy obsession with making sure I have every 15mm Orthodox church available, Most people might have one, or possibly two: I now have eleven!
What could I possibly need with eleven 15mm Orthodox churches? Even I do not know the answer to this. Worse, I have another two on order!
This latest one is from Monday Knight Productions as part of their Borodino range of 15mm scenery. Excellent service from them sorted any potential problems with the fact that they are in the States. The church has actually been sitting on my painting table since the beginning of the year, and it was really the purchase of the other two that spurred me to complete it.
Here’s the full gallery of churches so far in size order, smallest to largest: