IABSM AAR: Action at Galmanche
/Sergeant Steiner, who runs an excellent blog that can be found here, has been dabbling with a bit of solo I Ain’t Been Shot Mum.
Click on the picture below to see the first part of his report on playing out the Action at Galmanche scenario from the IABSM rulebook:
IABSM AAR: Kiwis on the Road to Orsogna
/Another great battle report from Mark Luther from the Gigabytes Cafe.
This AAR, written in November last year, covers a feint made by a battlegroup of the 18th Armoured Regiment, 22nd Motorised Battalion and some armored cars of the Divisional Cavalry as the 2nd New Zealand Division pushed west towards Orsogna.
Click on the picture below to see all:
IABSM AAR: Northern Shoulder Kursk
/Nothing on IABSM for ages and then two AARs arrive at once!
Here’s a photo-report from a game played by Mark Luther and friends at the Gigabytes Cafe in July last year.
The game takes place a few days into Citadel with the German offensive running into a counterattacking Soviet force in wide open terrain.
Click on the picture below to see all:
IABSM AAR: Storming the Citadel V
/It’s been ages since we’ve had an I Ain’t Been Shot Mum after action report, so it’s great to pick this one up from Will Depusoy on the IABSM Facebook Group.
Will and friends are working their way through the PSC Storming the Citadel campaign.This is the report from their table five game: the Soviets are falling back from village of Butovo with the Germans in hot pursuit.
Click on the picture below to see all:
IABSM AAR: Storming the Citadel IV
/Will Depusoy and friends have been playing through the PSC Storming the Citadel campaign set during the battle of Kursk , 1943, and posted this After Action Report on the IABSM Facebook group.
Here, the Soviet 67th Guards tries to hold the village of Butovo against German Grossdeutschland divison.
Click on the picture below to see all:
IABSM AAR: Soviet Steamroller Wins!
/Here are some shots of a game of IABSM that Chris Lane posted on the IABSM Facebook Group.
As Chris says: The sprog and I had a good game last night of the Russians trying to take a village. Suffice to say I lost as the sprog’s T-34s steamrollered the left flank.
IABSM AAR: South of Cherbourg
/Here’s a quick AAR from Alex Sotheran featuring one of the v3 rulebook scenarios: click on the picture to see all:
Alex ran another game recently: introducing four new players to I Ain’t Been Shot Mum. In this game, the British were held up on the left flank, but smashed through on the right to cut off the Germans retreat and capture the crossroads:
IABSM AAR: Club Night Game
/Here’s a quick AAR from Alex Sotheran taken from the IABSM Facebook Group.
As Alex says: “IABSM at the club tonight. Despite one British platoon commander not attending the 'O' Group they managed to push on to the German held crossroads and using a combination of smoke and manoeuvre threw them out at the point of a bayonet!”
IABSM AAR: Storming the Citadel
/Will Depusoy and friends have been converting the Kursk “Storming the Citadel” campaign to I Ain’t Been Shot Mum, but using Chain of Command activation and buying support “platoons” instead of single models.
Here’s a quick report from one game taken from the IABSM Facebook Group. Click on the picture below to see all.
IABSM AAR: A Final Effort
/Great After Action report from Dan Albrecht and friends, originally posted on the IABSM Facebook Group.
The battle recreated an engagement between 12th SS Panzer Division and the British 11th Armoured Division on June 27th near Caen. Order of Battle is from the excellent book Monty's Epsom by Skirmish Campaigns.
Click on the picture below to see all the action:
IABSM AAR: The Welsh Guards in Normandy, again
/Here’s a cracking After Action Report from Steve Blease from his Bleaseworld blog.
The Welsh Guards are trying to break through to Brussels, again. Click on the picture, below, to see all…
IABSM AAR: OML9: The Race to Brussels
/One of the games I played in at this year’s Operation Market Larden was a superbly presented I Ain’t Been Shot Mum scenario put on by Phil and Jenny.
Iaon and I would lead tanks from the Welsh Guards supported by motorised infantry from the Grenadier Guards in a race across Belgium to be the first units into Brussels. Historically, the only opposition encountered was in the town of Halle, and that’s what the day’s affairs would recreate. Our mission was to get a “significant force” off either of the bridges at the other end of the table.
Unfortunately, things did not go entirely to plan mainly, I hasten to add, due to a spectacular cock-up in tactics on my part!
Click on the picture below to see how easy it is to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!
IABSM AAR: Race to Brussels
/At Operation Market Larden 9 last Saturday, my morning game was a superb Race for Brussels game put on by Phil and Jenny.
The Dynamic Duo had playtested the game a few days before, and Steve Blease has written a lovely After Action Report that you can read by clicking on the picture below:
But how did you do at the game, I hear you ask?
Rest assured, I’ll be writing a full report concerning my execrable performance when I have time to do so but, put it this way, it was definitely an “interview without coffee” for my company commander when he limped back to base!