TFL Painting Challenge: Quick Tuesday Update

Quick Tuesday update for the TFL Painting Challenge, including two first-of-the-year entries.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Dave Humm, the first first-of-the-year, with some nice Confederates and a terrible pun
  • Mr Plowman paints some Robo Monkeys...must be for Q13
  • Carole's entry, lots of aliens, is definitely for Q13, because she says so
  • Andrew Helliwell pops in another regiment of 15mm Confederates
  • Mr Douglas has some more Ancient Brits on offer
  • and finally, Owen, the second of the firsts, has a mix of fantasy figures

We'll go Reb for today's pics:

Dave Humm's Confederate cavalry

Andrew Helliwell's Confederate infantry

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Big One!

I wasn't expecting to do another update before the weekend, but so many entries have come in that, if I don't, I run the risk of being overwhelmed!

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Doug Fitch with lots of 15mm WW2 goodness
  • A first entry in 2016 from Paul Baldwin: terrain, infantry and cavalry
  • Mr Clarke sends in a huge entry of twelve house and two outhouses in 28mm
  • Thomas Nissvik also makes his first appearance this year, with ten rather nice 28mm Vietminh infantry
  • Mr "Hat" Bowler attempts to claim 600 sq ft of painted and primed basement floor...but has to settle for the 105 28mm Romans and a ballista that actually count towards his total
  • Carole attempts to complete her Corporate Ashigaru force with another platoon and their support weapons
  • Neil Hooge is another 'first time in 2016' entry: he sends in some (great sounding) 15mm British Victorian infantry mounted on terror birds and ostriches...but the piccy is so dark you can't see the detail :(
  • And finally Jon Yuengling pops in four 15mm WW2 vehicles for his early war Germans.

Today's pics are from Mr Fitch, some of his WW2 Germans; Mr Baldwin, his Napoleonic French infantry; and from Thomas, his Vietminh:

Mr Fitch's WW2 German armour: great camo scheme! 

Mr Baldwin's cracking French infantry

Thomas' Vietminh

TFL Painting Challenge: Huge Tuesday Update

An absolutely enormous update today!

In no particular order, we have:

  • Mr Hodge is continuing to morph into a "baser" rather than a wargamer, with a massive amount of sabot bases
  • Carole sends in two entries: all 15mm sci-fi figures from GZG. We've got three platoons of infantry, support drones, command...the lot
  • Mr Douglas pops in a couple of 15mm units: some Sudan types and some more ancient Brits
  • Ralph Plowman also goes 15mm GZG, painted so inspirationally that I've had to go out and buy a platoon's worth myself. He should be on commission!
  • Andrew Helliwell stays with his Soviets: a platoon's worth and some lend-lease carriers
  • Sapper sends in three entries comprising a large total of 28mm figures: Samurai and Seven Years War
  • Steve Burt submits some rather lovely Parthians. It must have been baking hot in all that armour.
  • Our glorious leader, Mr Clarke, sends in three entries this week, all from the AWI, and adding up to a most impressive total
  • and finally I'm loving Mr Davenport's entry: Napoleonic Brits in numbers, and also some AWI infantry

So many entries to choose from for today's photos...but here's a selection. You can see the whole lot in the individual's galleries.

Jon's Napoleonic Brits

Mr Plowman's Xar

Carole's Power Armour Troopers

Sapper's Irish in French Service

Scorecard will be updated tonight..honest, it will!

TFL Painting Challenge: Monday Update

Hello all, and hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Today's entries for the painting challenge are:

  • Mr Davenport with a dozen 28mm buildings (and an impressive wargames room, if I may say so!)
  • Ms Flint doesn't add any Space Orcs to her total!
  • Doug Fitch arrives on the scene with some 15mm WW2 figures
  • Mark Luther sends in an assortment of 20mm Far East types, and some of his little 'planes too
  • Treadhead turns in some terrain
  • Stumpy pops in some Zulus and lots of French Napoleonics. Re-based, but still counting half.
  • Andrew Helliwell sends in some more ACW 15s
  • Mr Yuengling gets ready for a fight around Caen with some 15mm WW2 vehicles
  • And finally Mr Ralls sends in some rather jolly 28mm figures and transport.

Today's pics? Well I think we'll have Mr Davenport's room; and the Jason Ralls boat pics (vessel and crew etc)

First stop on my world tour!

Rather large boat and crew by Jason Ralls

Scorecard will be updated tonight: promise!

TFL Painting Challenge: Thursday Update

Lots of entries in this week: the challenge is really hotting up already this year.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Stumpy with a fistful of re-basing
  • Matt Slade with a huge weed monster!
  • Andrew Helliwell with some more Soviets in 15mm
  • Andy Duffell pops in a Kiwi or eleven
  • It's all Andrews today, as Mr McCarthy sends in some nice looking late war British tanks and a handful of Germans
  • Derek Hodge submits some more for Dux and Sharp Practice 2.
  • Mr Clarke has gone painting mad this year: this week sees 64 newly painted and 48 re-based 28mm troops hitting his score
  • Mervyn adds some skeletons and an awful lot of stone wall
  • Mr Gatzemeyer builds a Saxon village
  • Chris Stoesen cuts and pastes some paper terrain buildings
  • And finally Kev, of course Kev, has painted some more X-Wing ships

Today's pics?

Well, let's have a pic of some of Stumpy's later Romans, a pic of Rich's von Schtabbin, Mr Gatzemeyer's village, and a Brucie-bonus pic of Mr Helliwell's Soviets:

Stumpy's Romans

Baron von Schtabbin's Regiment by Mr Clarke

Mr Gatzemeyer's rather nice Saxon village

Andy Helliwell's SU-57s in 15mm

TFL Painting Challenge: Pre-Weekend Update

A cheeky Friday update to clear the decks before a busy weekend. Today, in no paticular order, we have:

  • Chris Stoesen with a selection of paper buildings in 15mm
  • Steve Burt with a fleet of ships
  • Our glorious leader, Mr Clarke, with some more infantry and artillery
  • Mervyn switches back to 15mm with some ancient and then colonial Brits
  • Mr Plowman paints a single sci-fi tank...but then he does paint them so well!
  • Carole also goes sci-fi, with some scout vehicles and scenery
  • And finally Kev is still on his X-Wing kick: loads more ships

Today's pictures are from Steve, his ships; and Carole's sci-fi kit...

468 points' worth of Wizzkids ships

468 points' worth of Wizzkids ships

Some nice kit from Critical Mass Games via Carole

Points will be added to the scorecard tonight or tomorrow.

TFL Painting Challenge: Entries Flooding In!

Loads of entries again today: excellent work everybody!

In no particular order, we have:

  • Stumpy with a teeny bit of re-basing and a very nice Rourke's Drift lavatory
  • Chris Stoesen makes a welcome return with a building in 15mm
  • Ms Flint adds some bugs. I rather like them, and might get some myself
  • Mervyn goes up a couple of sizes with some Riders of Rohan
  • Mr Clarke, the man himself, pops in more than a handful of 28mm figures
  • Matt Slade makes his usual modest entry: 52 goblins and (in a Sheffield accent) a cave troll
  • Richard Naylor finishes his Egyptians and adds their mummy...I mean, adds a mummy
  • Mr Helliwell turns Russian, with a Soviet infantry platoon and supporting SU-122
  • And Mr Ralls proves he is still with us for this year's challenge with a mighty entry of various 28s

Today's pictures are one from Mr Clarke (I know which side my bread is buttered) and one from Mr Ralls:

He didn't say who they were, but here are some nice 28s from Mr Clarke

And here are Jason Ralls' Teutonic Knights. I do love a bit of Teutonic Knight!

TFL Painting Challenge: Big Update

It seems like the end of January has driven you all out of hibernation: lots of entries submitted over the last few days.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Mr Naylor, with some Fez-wearing Egyptians
  • Mr Duffell joins us again with some In-juns and a few WW2 chaps as well
  • As does Keith Davies, but with some little buildings and some considerably bigger Napoleonics
  • Mark Luther takes a break from playing fantastic-looking Chain of Command games to submit some more micro-aircraft (click here to see his flickr album: very much worthwhile)
  • Treadhead also returns, also with some Napoleonics
  • Derek Hodge is another come-back king: with some nice looking guerillos and a host of re-based fantasy stuff
  • Sapper pops in some more Ancients
  • Mr Plowman sends in some great-looking sci-fi figures from Shapeways
  • And finally Kev continues his crusade to field every possible X-Wing spacecraft possible with another fleet's worth of entries

As usual, Scorecard will be updated tonight.

Today's pics? Treadhead's Napoleonics, Mr Luther's 'planes (well, some of them); and Derek's Guerillos:

Napoleonic British infantry from Treadhead

Continuing the Napoleonic theme, Derek Hodge's Spanish guerillos

And just a few of Mr Luther's 1/285 aircraft

TFL Painting Challenge: Sunday Update

Entries have been slowing down lately: but then there's lots of people still to make their first submission of the year.

Today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Mr Douglas with three separate entries in the same week, including some re-basing
  • Andrew Helliwell sends in another platoon of WW2 Germans
  • Matt Slade submits for the first time in 2016: slamming in sixty-five beautifully painted 28s
  • Carole completes her 15mm sci-fi infantry company with a platoon and some support weapons
  • Kev's entry is a toy re-painted for use with X-Wing:  looks fantastic
  • Jon Yuengling sends in his first submission of the year...very welcome, even if I had to guess what it was!
  • And finally Richard Naylor sends in some more terrain: rocks and a yards worth of graves.

Three pics today as I can't decide between them:

Some of Matt Slade's baddies from Crooked Dice

Carole's 15mm Support Platoon

Kev's Conversion for X-Wing

TFL Painting Challenge: Quick Sunday Update

Many of you are still very slow off the mark this year...unlike some of the below, who seem positively prolific!

So, today, in no particular order, we have:

  • New entrant, Oracle, with a couple of 28s and some re-based 6s
  • More X-Wing craft from Kev
  • Some drones from Carole
  • Continuing the sci-fi theme, four beautifully painted 15mm infantry from Mr Plowman
  • Lots of 28s from Mr Davenport who, for a new entrant, is already piling on the points
  • And finally Stumpy makes a return with a mix of new painting and re-basing

Today's pics are, unusually for me, both examples of re-basing: first up Oracle's 6mm WSS French, then Stumpy's Napoleonic Brits...

TFL Painting Challenge: Weekly Update

Things are starting to motor along nicely now, with twelve people (including me) now having sent in their first or even second and, in one case, third, entries for the year.

Today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Paul Blankenship with his first entry of the year, and it's a monster one comprising lots of tanks a a few bits of terrain
  • Carole also sends in her first entry: some nicely done 15mm sic-fi infantry
  • Sapper has painted some more Egyptians
  • New entrant Jon Davenport makes his first appearance: some Hessians in 28mm (don't worry about the cat hair on the table!)
  • Mr Naylor sends in his first three entries for the year: sic fi again, but different scales
  • Mark Luther adds to his already gigantic collection with some more 6mm tanks and 'planes...and, no, Mark, there is no such thing as "enough"!
  • Our own favourite Fat Wally adds some more Star Wars kit to his gallery
  • and, finally, Mr Helliwell pops in his second entry of the year: more Germans

Today's pictures are some of Mark's tanks, some of Mr Helliwell's Germans and Jon Davenport's Hessians:

Some of Mark Luther's Jagdpanzer IV 70s in action

Andrew Helliwell's command post/objective marker

New entrant Jon Davenport's Hessians in 28mm

As always, you can see everyone's full roster of submissions in their galleries, and the Scorecard will be updated tonight from my home PC.

TFL Painting Challenge: First Entries for 2016

There are some of you obviously determined to start the TFL Painting Challenge 2016 off with a bang!

Already we have entries from:

  • Sapper, with four (yes, four) submissions already
  • Mervyn Douglas, with more for his Sudan collection ("they don't like it up 'em!")
  • Andrew Helliwell, who continues the post-Xmas theme with a platoon of late war Germans put together from the leftovers
  • Ralph Plowman, with some rather nice new figures from the new Moongrunt range from GZG
  • Doug Melville, with some Aeroneuf ships
  • and last, but by no means least, Kev "Fat Wally" Lowth with some lovely X-Wing Star Wars ships

Today's pictures will, I think, all have a sci-fi theme. Here are Ralph, Doug and some of Kev's entries:

Ralph Plowman's figures from the new moongrunt range from gzg

doug melville's aeroneuf submission

some of kev's x-wing models

Remember that you can see all the entries in the various people's galleries.

NB  The scorecard will be updated tonight, once I can load the numbers onto my home PC

TFL Painting Challenge: Huge 31st December Update!

Looks like everyone has made a huge effort to get their last minute entries in under the wire.

In no particular order we have:

  • Doug Melville with a couple of Cold War vehicles
  • Koen with some Frostgrave figures
  • Mr Helliwell with some more of his late war Germans
  • Mr Hodge makes a welcome last minute re-appearance with some Spanish Guerillos
  • Jim Catchpole sends in a huge multi-scale submission: his first and his last for 2015!
  • Mervyn Douglas has moved to the Sudan
  • Joakim whacks in a quick witch
  • Sapper also makes a welcome reappearance with loads of 28mm figures
  • The Mad Padre also adds vast numbers of figures to his collection
  • Matt Slade sneaks in another couple of submissions
  • Paul Blankenship pops in another of his huge micro-army entries
  • Paul Baldwin slides in with loads of 28mm figures
  • Nils Hedglin with some dwarfs and halflings (not half points though)
  • and finally Leif (spelt correctly!) isn't left out, with some fine 28s and a few bigger still

Pictures for what may be the final post of this year's challenge? A mixed bag...

Mr Hodge's rather fine Spanish Guerillos

Some dwarves from Leif

Sapper's SYW French Currassiers du Roi

 The Mad Padre's 20mm Revel Krupp Protze truck with AT Gun

TFL Painting Challenge: Bank Holiday Update

Huge numbers of figures have obviously been painted over the Christmas break. Here are today's submissions in the run-up to the end of this year's challenge:

  • Joakim with some pulp and nativity figures (yup, I did say nativity)
  • Andy Duffell adds some very nice terrain to his collection
  • Jason Ralls just manages to finish twenty-four 28s and a host of little Gauls
  • Matt Slade has obviosuly had a busman's holiday, submitting tons of new painting: most of it pulp and VSF
  • Geoff Bond adds some cowboys and priests
  • Dave Humm adds some fantasy figures
  • The Bowler Hat finally finishes his WOTR collection and previews his next project again: the Romans
  • and finally Pedivere sends in some more of his excellent Foreign Legion

I was tempted to have today's picture being Joakim's nativity figures, but it's the 28th and the moment has passed. Here are Pedivere's resting legionaires, Jason's Gauls, and Matt's Amazons.

Still a few days to get your entries in!

TFL Painting Challenge: 22nd December

I'm settling nicely into my Christmas holiday now: no work until the new year!

Here's today's patch of painting challenge entries:

  • Mr Slade sends in a pic of some very familiar looking figures
  • Lloyd 'the hat' Bowler finishes off his WOTR collection with a couple of command stands, and starts up the Ancients with a unit of Romans.
  • Carole pops in a couple of hover tanks
  • Mr Plowman also adds some sci-fi goodness, with some Clear Horizon robots
  • and, finally, Mr Helliwell manages another 30 Panzergrenadiers

Today's pic has to be Matt's familiar, but unavailable, figures:

Well, there is one more entry to come. Treadhead has submitted a picture of his brand spanking new games room. I can't score this for the challenge, but I can include the pic here:

Very nice!

Still plenty of time to get your entries in for the challenge. Doors don't shut until midnight on the 31st!

TFL Painting Challenge: Quick Update

Things are certainly hotting up as we draw to the end of another year's challenge.

Today's entries are from:

  • A first entry of the year from Mr Skelton, proving that it is never too late to enter!
  • Now under full steam, Koen smashes in another series of submissions
  • Messrs Yuengling and Luther fill in a few gaps in their galleries
  • Lloyd adds in some more WOTR figures and teases us with a test figure for his next project
  • and finally Mr Duffell sends in some more WW2 28's

Today's pics? As it's almost Christmas, you get three today: it's got to be the Hat's command stand with hand-painted banner, and then Andy's 28's, and then one of Koen's entries.

Plenty of time for everyone to get their entries in BTW. This year's challenge doesn't end until midnight on the 31st. Come on! Get to it!

TFL Painting Challenge: Last Update in November

How time flies when you're having fun! One moment we're all talking about the 2015 new year, and the next it's the end of November already!

Still plenty of time to get your entries into this year's painting challenge. Here are some that other people have submitted:

  • Mr Bowler is back with some more 28mm WOTR figures. Given everything that Hat has completed this year, his table must be quite impressive when a game is on.
  • Steve Burt adds more Zulu War figures
  • Mervyn pops in some Ancient Brits
  • Mr Helliwell has foolishly let work get in the way of his painting lately...but has still found time to knock up 24 Confederate skirmishers
  • Mr Luther fills in a few gaps in his gallery
  • And Pedevere sends in more French types: lots of what I think are Legion Etrangere.

Today's pics are from Pedevere: his staff car and Dodge truck...very tasty!

TFL Painting Challenge: a post-Warfare Update

Plenty of tip-top submissions this week. In no particular order we have:

  • Mr Helliwell, with another regiment of ACW foot plus command and supporting artillery
  • Joakim goes large with a goodly number of figures for Dust, including two very nice looking walkers
  • Mr Luther adds another eleven 'planes to hi collection
  • Dave Humm adds his usual eclectic mix, with figure for Frostgrave, Flintloque, and a very early example of a war photographer!
  • Mr Ralls makes a welcome return with huge numbers of 28mm figures. Nice to see you back at the painting table, Jason.
  • Jon Yuengling also makes a welcome return, with a submission consisting of trees, lots of trees
  • Doug Melville is also back, with some lovely Medieval Scots and three bits of modern Soviet armour
  • and last, but by no mens least, Kev (Fat Wally) has gone Star Wars crazy, with two ships and a quite frankly huge-looking asteroid base

Today's pics are from Doug, his Medieval Scots; and from Joakim, one of his walkers. Lovely!

PS  Scorecard will be updated tonight, when I'm at home. Too difficult to do at work without the right software!

TFL Painting Challenge: A Dark November Afternoon's Update

Well it's just about half three and already almost dark: just the setting for a painting challenge update.

Not many entries this week: must be the calm before the end-of-year storm. If you are sitting on entries, do please submit them in a timely fashion: I was doing more than one update a day last year between Christmas and New Year!

Anyhoo, here are today's:

  • Joakim pops in some pulp figures, including an eclectic looking WW2 Italian truck
  • Mervyn has been away, but manages to squeeze in two units of cavalry
  • Matt Slade submits his regular entry: some rather good looking special forces types from Crooked Dice
  • Mr Luther doesn't add to his total, but does send in a pic of his Mathildas. Very nice, Mark, but I think the field gun went astray.
  • Mr Naylor continues with his late war Soviets
  • And Treadhead sends in yet more Taliban

As I said, a short update today...and thus just the one pic: Mr Luther's Mathildas:

As for my own efforts, I am now ahead of last year and closing in on my target of 1,000 points. It's only early November, under 100 points to go, so I should be able to make it. Exciting stuff!

TFL Painting Challenge: A Pre-Rugby World Cup Final Update

Just time for a quick pre-rugby update before rushing through the chores before settling down in front of the box for New Zealand vs Australia. If the All Blacks can keep their discipline and play like they did against the Boks (I was there!), then the trophy should be theirs.

Anyway, onto the update. In no particular order we have:

  • Keith Davies with some late war Brits and Germans
  • Chris Gilbride with some late war Brits
  • Mr Naylor finishes off his, wait for it, late war Germans
  • Mr Luther with some Matildas and Japanese
  • Joakim goes fantasy in 28mm
  • and Mr Helliwell pops in huge numbers of ACW Rebs

Today's pic is of some of Chris' Brits, the heavy weapons: