TFL Painting Challenge: An Overdue Update

You can tell everyone has been off on their summer holidays: very few entries into the painting challenge recently. Must confess I'm in the same boat, though: I have Polish cavalry all over my painting table that just won't paint themselves!

Anyhoo, today's entries, in no particular order are:

  • Steve Burt submits a very heavy elephant
  • Mr Helliwell sends in assorted 15mm WW2 Germans and Soviets.
  • Richard Naylor pops in a 6mm anti-tank battery and a lovely T-34
  • Mr Plowman has been to Mars, and has the figures to prove it
  • Stumpy has been doing some more re-basing
  • And Mervyn has been preparing for his Dad's Army re-make in 28mm

Today's pics are from Messrs Naylor, Plowman and Stumpy:

Fantastic PSC 20mm T-34/85 from Mr Naylor

Martians from Mr Plowman

Re-based Boers from Stumpy

Painting Challenge: Update

Entries have slackened off at the end of August: hence the fact that this is the first update for some time. So, come on, get those brushes moving: still plenty of time to beat last year's total before Christmas!

Today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Mervyn sends in some Fallschirmjaegers and some Babylonians
  • Mr Naylor pops in some 6mm Soviets
  • Andy Duffell showcases a couple of very nice 28mm vehicles
  • Kev has his usual cornucopia of English Civil War units
  • A mixed bag from Mr Helliwell: Germans, mounted knights, Soviets...
  • Steve Burt build a 4Ground store
  • and last, and by no means least, in every sense of the phrase, is Mr Slade: with a mass of Martians

Not a bad haul!

Today's pics are below:

Andy Duffell's superb Vickers carrier in 28mm

Mr Slade's Martian marketplace

And Mr Helliwell's knights

Mervyn's Fallies

TFL Painting Challenge: Tuesday Update

Not a huge amount of people who have submitted entries, but plenty of entries submitted!

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Andrew Helliwell with some renaissance cavalry and Soviet scouts
  • The Great Gatzemeyer with some Confederate cavalry
  • Mr Naylor with large amounts of 6mm figures
  • Kev with another batch of beautifully painted English Civil War figures
  • Ashley sends in another couple of buildings
  • and last, but no least, Steve Burt submits a great looking 28mm church

Here are some pics:

Steve's 28mm church

One of Kev's ECW campsites...


...and some militia to visit it

Another terrain board from Ashley

TFL Painting Challenge: Post Hols Update

Lots of activity in the painting challenge whilst I've been away.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Carole Flint with some buildings for her Imagi-nations project
  • Keith Davies with an assortment of figures and buildings
  • Mr Helliwell with some more 15mm ACW figures and, controversially, some 28mm Late Romans
  • Mervyn pops in some more buildings
  • Mr Slade re-bases in a Sir Pelanor-like quest to find the perfect rules. 
  • Andy Duffell sends in some rather nice buildings
  • Mr Hooge has gone all Mexican on us: andale, andale!
  • Thomas makes his mark with some, er, markers
  • Kev has been at the ECW figures again.

Today's pictures:

I am loving Andy's pigsty!

15mm Mexicans from Mr Hooge

Late Romans from Mr Helliwell

A pike block from kev

With almost 2/3rds of the year now gone, there's still plenty of time to get your entries in.

Don't worry if you're sitting on a huge pile of entries to send in: just get e-mailing!

TFL Painting Challenge: Ashley's Return

Hi All

Enough entries to justify another quick update, including another first-time-this-year returnee.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Ashley Pollard making a welcome return with a couple of 15mm buildings
  • Mr Helliwell sends in more ACW 15s
  • Richard Naylor has T-55s on offer: lot's of little T-55s
  • Steve Burt resurrects a 1/72 scale shop
  • Mr Hodge sends in some nice Napoleonics and a single wight
  • Mr Luther fills in one of his gaps with some shots of his weekend game
  • and last but by no mens least, Andy Duffell sends in some transport from across a couple of periods

Lots to choose from pics-wise today:

Ashley's buildings

Derek's rather nice band of guerillos

28mm jeep from Andy Duffell

Another great table-scape from Mark Luther

Scorecard will be updated tonight.

TFL Painting Challenge: Cheeky Weekend Update

Enough entries to sneak another update through only five days or so after the last one.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Matt Slade with some lovely 28mm Crusade figures
  • Geoff Bond sends in his first entry of the year: some Germans
  • Mr Plowman has been re-basing
  • Chris Stoesen pops in some 15mm Continentals and engineer-types
  • Steve Burt sends in a barn
  • And last, but by no means least, Mr Luther has completed a vast amount of figures for Sharp Practice 2.

Today's pictures? Well it's got to be Geoff's Germans...and we'll add an extra photo from Mr Luther of some of his 6mm 'planes:

You'll also be pleased to hear that the Scorecard is now fully up to date!

TFL Painting Challenge: Large Update

Another big update for the painting challenge:  your brushes have been busy! So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Richard Naylor has been painting 1/600 'planes: twelve of them, to be exact
  • Stumpy has been doing some more re-basing
  • Egg has been painting some more Cold War Soviets...and Lidl!
  • Andrew Helliwell has also been painting Soviets, WW2 Soviets reclaimed from a jumble sale
  • Jon Yuengling sends in an assortment of WW2 15s
  • Matt Slade makes up for a short absence with three entries: 7YW 28s and a host of barbarian and dwarf 15s
  • And last, but by no means least, Mr Plowman has built a couple of hills

Today's pictures are below...

I am loving Egg's Cold War Soviets and the Lidl!

Stumpy's re-based Frenchies

Matt Slade's 15mm Barbarian Hero

TFL Painting Challenge: Huge Update

Huge update today:  loads of entries from people who haven't been active for a bit.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Keith Davies with Viking-types in two different scales
  • Egg makes a welcome return, with enough 15mm figures painted in modern woodland camouflage to send any normal man insane
  • Mervyn has been housebuilding: four houses to be exact
  • Mr Naylor pops in a few Austrians
  • Owen is also back with a bang: over 500 points-worth of 28s in one go
  • Andrew Helliwell has a few spearmen and a regiment of ACW Unionists for us to see
  • Sapper is another of the returnees: eighty-five 28s and a house for them all to live in
  • The Hat is back: Lloyd Bowler succumbed to temptation, bought a big box of figures, and has only just now returned to the surface...
  • Steve Bowler submits some more Egyptians, and is now sure that he's painted all of them...
  • And last, but by no means least, Koen sends in a mix of Paras, fantasy and sci-fi figures

So many entries to choose between for the pics. Let's see now...

The reason for Egg's insanity

Sapper's Napoleonics

Zouaves from Lloyd Bowler

The Last of the Egyptians!

Scoreboard will be updated tonight.

TFL Painting Challenge: A Small Update

It's still pretty quiet out there on the painting challenge front, but I thought it was worth a catch-up on what I do have.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Mr Hodge with a range of fantasy figures and the odd Napoleonic
  • Carole with some more of her Imaginations Bordurians
  • Mr McCarthy sends in a large batch of 15mm WW2 figures
  • Kev submits considerably more than three musketeers
  • Keith Davies pops in some dark ages types in two different scales
  • and finally Mr Helliwell sends in some more War of the Roses 15s

Today's pictures are from Kev, his musketeers; Mr McCarthy's King Tiger; and Derek's French light infantry.

Hopefully the above will inspire the rest of you to pick up your brushes once again. The painting challenge is half way through the year and there are definite signs of slacking! Mind you, it's not as if we had anything else to think about...

TFL Painting Challenge: End of the Lull

My comments under the "Strange Days" post, below, seem to have broken the lull in entries to the painting challenge.

So, after a week and a bit, we have:

  • Carole with loads more troops for her Imaginations Bordurians
  • Mr Luther not only fills in some of his "MIA" submissions, but also sends in six wonderful entries for the deployment point competition currently being run by Rich
  • Steve Burt pops in some more Egyptians
  • Mervyn sends in a few undead and a very nice Warbases barn
  • Kev, our own little Fat Wally, adds to his ECW collection
  • Chris Stoesen submits a building he found on E-Bay
  • Andy Duffell, after a bit of an absence, sends in a very nice early medieval Breton retinue in 28mm
  • and last, but by no means least, Mr Davenport also makes a welcome reappearance with 96 hamburgers...I mean Hamburgers!

Today's pics? So many to choose from. Let's go with Mark's deployment points (four of them), some of Andy's Bretons, and some of Jonathan's Hamburgers:

Four of Mark Luther's Deployment Points

Breton Mounted Sergeants from Andy Duffell

Look at the detail of JD's Hamburger shields!

TFL Painting Challenge: Longest Day of the Year Update

So apologies for the lack of posts over the last few days: I've been away. Nice, however, to get back to an in-box full of entries into this year's painting challenge.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Matt Slade with a great 28mm prison wagon
  • Mr Davies with a mix of 28mm and 6mm figures
  • Carole continues her foray into Imagi-nations with light troops for her Bordurians
  • Chris Stoesen pops in a building and some trees
  • I am Bruce returns with a fistful of Soviets
  • Mr Plowman goes large
  • and last but not least, Andrew Helliwell continues to expand his Wars of the Roses collection

Today's pics are from Messrs Slade, Plowman and Helliwell...

TFL Painting Challenge: a Wednesday update

Entries for this year's challenge still steadily pouring in. Here's the latest batch:

  • Kev pops in a few more ECW markers for Baroque.
  • Mervyn adds to his SP Indian Mutiny collection (I liked the 'rocket man' joke)
  • Carole starts the OpFor for her Imagi-nations campaign
  • Mr Luther has completed some of his never-ending projects
  • Andrew Helliwell brings his monster re-basing session to an end
  • The Hodge-meister goes all undead on us
  • Steve Burt has built a building for his Egyptians to fight over
  • Fred Bloggs submits some Austrians and a fistful of orks
  • And finally Mr Naylor also sends in some Austrians: a gun and crew

Todays pics are below:

Undead chariots from Mr Hodge

Sepoys for SP Indian Mutiny from Mervyn

15mm Cavalry Markers from Kev

TFL Painting Challenge

A quick painting challenge update today.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Steve Burt with a few more Egyptians
  • Carole with the last of one half of her Imagination project
  • The Hodge-meister makes up for lost time with a big entry including a core Peninsular French force for SP2
  • Thomas make a welcome reappearance with a double handful of 28s
  • Mr Luther submits a huge number of 6mm vehicles rescued from the dark recesses of his lead mountain
  • and finally Mr Slade...with huge numbers of FWI infantry and a rather pleasant log cabin

Today's pics are from Carole, as I like her colour scheme; Mr Hodge and Mr Slade:

TFL Painting Challenge: Large Update

Sorry there was no post yesterday: I was in Evesham all day at the annual Market Larden wargaming day. I ran two great games of IABSM taken from the Bashnya or Bust scenario pack, but more on that later in the week.

Meanwhile, the rest of you were thundering in your entries to the painting challenge, so in no particular order we have:

  • Three entries from Matt Slade: AWI British, some markers, and some 28mm Panzer IVs: this is obviously an attempt to get me to withdraw my threat of docking him 1,000 points for claiming that Highlander 2 is a great film! Highlander, yes, but Highlander 2? I don't think so!
  • Steve Burt sends in some more Egyptians
  • Carole pops in some Imaginations cavalry and a few bits and bobs for her ACW collection
  • The Mad Padre has five lovely 28mm figures, including three not-Foyle's War characters
  • Kev, our favourite Fat Wally, posts some more ECW figures
  • Mr Plowman has a dozen Dark Ages foot that made an appearance in Evesham in the raffle
  • Mr Helliwell is still basing like mad (240 foot figures!)
  • As is the Oracle (I didn't forget the tree!)
  • and last but not least, Mr Naylor shows us some Austrians in 15mm

Today's pics are a mixed assortment:

Characters from the Mad Padre

Re-basing from Messrs Helliwell and Oracle

Carole's Imaginations Dragoons

TFL Painting Challenge: Bank Holiday Update

Plenty of entries this week: easily enough for a cheeky bank holiday update before I get on with the chores:  doing the recycling, getting a new printer, cleaning the car, and (obviously) finishing the Israeli infantry!

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Carole and her Imaginations
  • Steve Burt canters in with an Egyptian chariot
  • The Great Gatzemeyer pops in a Ringwraith and some armoured cars (my money is on the Ringwraith)
  • Chris Stoesen sends in a massive 15mm building: very nice
  • Mr Slade sends in some wagons and a Reaper Demon
  • Keith Davies has painted a couple of artillery pieces
  • More Austrians from Mr Naylor
  • Fred Bloggs sends in his Imaginations, and a couple of random Daleks
  • Melvyn has gone all SP2 Indian Mutiny on us
  • and last, but by no means least, Mr Helliwell sends in some figures and the start of a massive re-basing project

Today's pics? See below:

Matt's Demon

Chris' House

Mervyn's British Infantry for SP2 Indian Mutiny

Carol's Syldavian artillery

TFL Painting Challenge: Tuesday Update

Plenty more entries coming in over the last four days, easily enough for another update.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Fred Bloggs with some bison and some dwarves
  • Mr Bowler with some very nice looking 6mm camps
  • Carole sends in the first of her Imagi-nations troops
  • Mervyn is on the wagon...well, the ox-cart
  • Mr Helliwell makes a change from his Confederates
  • Ralph Plowman sends in some more cracking sci-fi material
  • and the Oracle sends in a colossal entry encompassing spaceships, 6mm troops, a gazillion re-based and painted 15mm troops, and even some 20mm troops

Today's pictures are from Mr Bowler, Mr Plowman and the Oracle:

6mm Celtic camp on DVD from Lloyd Bowler

15mm Armies Army APCs from Mr Plowman

20mm Britannia Gebirgsjaeger from the Oracle

And one more, as everyone loves a good elephant:

15mm Carthaginian elephants, also from the Oracle

TFL Painting Challenge: Thursday Update

Lots of lovely entries this week, but I'm already late for a meeting so will have to just rattle through the list:

  • Lloyd sends in some lovely 28mm mounted Auxilia and a host of 6mm ancients
  • Keith Davies pops in a company of Panthers in 6mm
  • Mr Helliwell has more Confederates finished
  • Mr Burt has more Egyptians done
  • I Am Bruce offers us six Time Robbers and some dice holders
  • Richard Naylor has some nice Austrians done for SP2
  • Chris Stoesen sends in a lone horseman
  • and last and certainly not least, Mr McCarthy sends in a huge 15mm Soviet entry

Scorecard will be updated tonight, but here are Mr Naylor's Austrians, the Hat's Auxilia, and some of Andy's Soviets:

TFL Painting Challenge: TGIF Update

The end of a long week, and just time to pop in a quick update to the painting challenge. In no particular order we have:

  • Carole, with two entries: some ACW terrain and standard bearers, and the first of her imagination troops
  • The Mad Padre sends in an excellent Anglo-Saxon house and a couple of riders to defend it
  • Chris Gilbride enters some gladiators and a biscuit tin...but, unlike last time someone sent in a biscuit tin, this one counts!
  • Stumpy is still re-basing Zulus like mad
  • Steve Burt sends in some Bronze Age civilians
  • Matt Slade with three entries: some ECW casualties, some British Nappies, and some rather nice paired Wild West figures
  • I Am Bruce submits a mixture of 28mm figures
  • and finally Mervyn gets ready for some Sharp Practice with his Indian Mutiny figures

Today's pictures:

Sarissa Dark Ages house with home-made thatch from the Mad Padre

Some of Matt's Napoleonics

The Biscuit Tin of Doom! from Chris Gilbride

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Big One!

Things are really hotting up here: I can't leave updating the challenge longer than a few days before my inbox starts bursting with new entries!

So, today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Carole with some ACW figures in 15mm
  • Chris Stoesen also in 15mm, but with figures for the AWI rather than the ACW
  • Mr Naylor returns with four buildings and some Austrians
  • The acronyms are flying everywhere, as Kev pops in a couple of units for his ECW collection
  • The Great Gatzemeyer sends in some lovely half-tracks...and my money is on it being earlier than August!
  • Mervyn has built a couple of buildings
  • Sapper has gone mad for Vikings: fifty-four of them to be exact
  • and finally Stumpy has been re-basing like mad: Fallschirmjaegers, Zulu War Brits, and some civilians for Sharp Practice

Today's pictures are as follows:

Carole's Confederate Commanders

The GG's German Half-tracks

Some of Sapper's Vikings

TFL Painting Challenge: Big Update

Good work on the brush front: plenty of entries coming in every week. Here's a large one from after the bank holiday:

  • "I Am Bruce" is back, with a collection of Arthurian figures
  • Kev "Fat Wally" adds to his ECW collection
  • Matt Slade goes all LOTR, with a side order of chips
  • Egg has gone moderns-mad, sending in forty 15mm AFVs
  • Steve Burt enters some more Egyptians and some farm animals
  • Mr Plowman takes a break from his exquisite sci-fi figures and sends in some walls
  • Andrew Helliwell rescues more Soviets from the flea market
  • and finally Chris Stoesen pops in some infantry...and an outhouse to take care of their baser needs

A couple of the usual suspects for today's pictures:

Some of Egg's lovely moderns

Kev's Parliamentarian Dragoons