TFL Painting Challenge: Post Hols Update

Lots of activity in the painting challenge whilst I've been away.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Carole Flint with some buildings for her Imagi-nations project
  • Keith Davies with an assortment of figures and buildings
  • Mr Helliwell with some more 15mm ACW figures and, controversially, some 28mm Late Romans
  • Mervyn pops in some more buildings
  • Mr Slade re-bases in a Sir Pelanor-like quest to find the perfect rules. 
  • Andy Duffell sends in some rather nice buildings
  • Mr Hooge has gone all Mexican on us: andale, andale!
  • Thomas makes his mark with some, er, markers
  • Kev has been at the ECW figures again.

Today's pictures:

I am loving Andy's pigsty!

15mm Mexicans from Mr Hooge

Late Romans from Mr Helliwell

A pike block from kev

With almost 2/3rds of the year now gone, there's still plenty of time to get your entries in.

Don't worry if you're sitting on a huge pile of entries to send in: just get e-mailing!