TFL Painting Challenge: Large Update

Another big update for the painting challenge:  your brushes have been busy! So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Richard Naylor has been painting 1/600 'planes: twelve of them, to be exact
  • Stumpy has been doing some more re-basing
  • Egg has been painting some more Cold War Soviets...and Lidl!
  • Andrew Helliwell has also been painting Soviets, WW2 Soviets reclaimed from a jumble sale
  • Jon Yuengling sends in an assortment of WW2 15s
  • Matt Slade makes up for a short absence with three entries: 7YW 28s and a host of barbarian and dwarf 15s
  • And last, but by no means least, Mr Plowman has built a couple of hills

Today's pictures are below...

I am loving Egg's Cold War Soviets and the Lidl!

Stumpy's re-based Frenchies

Matt Slade's 15mm Barbarian Hero