Just Published: Kampfgruppe von Luck for Chain of Command

Just a quick note: the TooFatLardies have just published the second of their pint-sized campaigns for the WW2 platoon-level game Chain of Command.

Here's what they say about them:

"Kampfgruppe von Luck is the second of our Pint-Sized campaigns for Chain of Command, designed to be played using the campaign handbook At the Sharp End.  

"Thirty pages long, Kampfgruppe von Luck contains an overview of the British airbrorne landings and the response of 21 Panzer Division on D-Day before then going on to present a mini-campaign covering the first counter-attack by Kampfgruppe von Luck, striking for the bridges on the Orne.   

"The campaign is a total of five game tables with the duration running between five and eight games.  Briefings are provided for both sides, along with measurable objectives, period maps, force and support option listings and everything you need to play this campaign through to its conclusion.  

"Like all of our Pint-Sized campaigns, this is available for the price of a pint in our local pub.  We're sure that you'll agree, that is great wargaming value!"

Hopefully the next Special will contain a conversion guide for IABSM!

You can order KvL by clicking here.

TFL Painting Challenge: Incredibly quick update

Just a very quick update today. Entries from Chris Gilbride; Mark Luther; Jon Yuengling and Treadhead.

Today's picture is again from Mr Gilbride: a couple of 28mm carriers and a 28mm Panzer III painted up for the desert:

For those interested in a more general update, I have now finished re-loading all the scenario booklet-based IABSM AARs, and have just started on the (long) list of one-off games. Once they are done, then it's on to the galleries and then the other sections of the site (19th Century, Ancients and Fantasy gaming). Still a long way to go!

29, Let's Go! Released

29, Let's Go! is the first of the Pint-Sized campaigns for Chain of Command (the platoon-level WW2 game from the TooFatLardies) designed to be played using the campaign handbook At the Sharp End.  

Thirty-two pages long, 29, Let's Go! was released yesterday, and contains an overview of the planned, and then actual, events on Omaha beach on the 6th of June before then going on to present a mini-campaign covering the advance of the US 175th Infantry Regiment from the initial beachhead in their drive to link Omaha and Utah beaches by capturing the key bridge at Isigny.  

The campaign is a total of five game tables with the duration running between five and nine games.  Briefings are provided for both sides, along with measurable objectives, period maps, force and support option listings and everything you need to play this campaign through to its conclusion.  

Highly recommended.

You can read more about 29 Let's Go! on the TFL blog, Lard Island News here.

And actually buy the thing (which really is just the cost of a pint) here.

Bashnya or Bust! Published (IABSM Scenario Pack)

Originally posted 10th June 2014

Well the big news this week is the launch of Bashnya or Bust!, my latest scenario book for IABSM. Here's the full info, but if you liked Blenneville or Bust! and Vyazma or Bust!, you'll love Bashnya!

You can buy Bashnya or Bust! either from the TooFatLardies website, or from the Buy Stuff page on this website. Doesn't bother me which one you use!

Bashnya or Bust! is a collection of fictional scenarios for IABSM set on the late war Eastern Front as part of the Kaunas Offensive. Soviet forces are attempting to drive through German defences in the Chera valley in order to break through into Germany itself, the Germans are trying to stop them.

The pack contains thirty-one individual scenarios set up in a five-step pyramid campaign i.e. scenario 1 leads to either scenario 2A or 2B; the result of this second game leads to one of scenarios 3A, 3B, 3C or 3D; and so on until scenarios 5A to 5P.

Although written as a fictional campaign booklet, no two scenarios are the same: each is unique and is also designed to be played as an individual game. Each of the three briefings for each scenario (Umpire, Soviet player, German player) contains enough background to give the game the same sort of context as with the background to an historical scenario.

Bashnya or Bust! is deliberately designed to give players who don't have enough time to write their own scenarios a huge number of games that they can play with little or no preparation at all. All you have to do is print out the three briefings, set up the table according to the map, make up the deck from the list of required cards, break out the figures and dice, and start the first turn. You don't even need to print the pack out in full: just the pages you need for the scenario you're going to play.

The campaign is structured so that you'll get maximum use of the standard forces presented in Vpered Na Berlin, with well-designed and balanced scenarios for IABSM, or indeed any company level rule set you happen to game with. Anyone who has a company-sized force of Germans and Soviets for late war, eastern front should already have enough figures to play any or all of the games.

Bashnya or Bust! follows on from the popular Vyazma or Bust! and Blenneville or Bust! campaign/scenario packs, also available from the TooFatLardies.

Bashnya or Bust! contains an introduction, details of the campaign structure and forces involved, sixteen different maps (some games are played across the same terrain, albeit in a different direction), thirty-one different scenarios, and a collection of templates allowing you to print off Blind markers as appropriate. Please note, you don't need to print this out like a book (although you can if you wish): Bashnya or Bust! is designed to allow you to just print the scenarios as you use them.

Bashnya or Bust!

Originally posted 15th February 2014

Good news for those awaiting my next scenario book: the writing bug has bitten me again. 

I am now deep into Bashnya or Bust! - a Vyazma/Blenneville style scenario pack set in late July/August 1944 during the Kaunas Offensive i.e. the latter stages of Operation Bagration.

Can't promise when it will be finished (early summer's my best bet) but I can promise a linked campaign featuring a possible thirty-one late war eastern front scenarios.

If you liked Blenneville, you'll love Bashnya!

Blenneville or Bust! Reviews

Originally posted 21st December 2013

Here are a couple of comments that have recently appeared about my IABSM scenario pack  Blenneville or Bust! on the TFL Yahoo Group:

I am about to start Blenneville (which I think is probably one of the finest wargaming scenario books I have ever come across in three decades of wargaming). 

Justintonna 17/12/13

It was only when playing Robert's Blenneville campaign after many years that it hit home how good IABSM is.

Craig Ambler 09/12/13

Most kind, Gentlemen!

Five Planets Scenario Pack for Q13 Published

Originally posted 19th November 2013

I'm pleased to announce the release of my latest scenario pack: Five Planets.

Five Planets is a campaign and scenario pack for Quadrant 13 (Q13), the company-sized, sci-fi wargame rules from the TooFatLardies.

The pack contains twelve scenarios set within the Pankova solar system, with two adversaries fighting over its priceless resources. The action begins on Peach, the outermost planet, a most desolate, moon-like place but the gateway to the system, then moves through the asteroid belt to Cheteria, the ice planet. After Cheteria comes Three, the garden world that feeds the system, followed by D’Var, the desert planet whose sands conceal vast seas of valuable oil. Finally the campaign climaxes on fiery Adeen, closest to the sun, but the source of limitless power.

The campaign is designed to be played through twice: with each player first taking the part of the race invading the Pankova system, the Attackers, and then taking the part of the incumbents, the Defenders. Be warned, sometimes the Defenders are attacking, and sometimes the Attackers are defending: as first one side then the other gains an advantage.

Although written for Q13, Five Planets can be easily adapted for any sci-fi rules system. Each scenario contains a full game briefing, a map, and then a briefing for each player, including a description of the forces available. All players need to do is print off the appropriate pages for the scenario that they want to play, set up the battlefield, break out the figures, and away they go. As the army lists given are generic, players can use them to play any sci-fi army that they choose: whether based on a particular range of figures, background from another ruleset, background from a film or book, or even a background that they have made up themselves.

So set your weapons to exterminate and prepare to do battle: there’s glory to be won on the Five Planets!

In The Name of Roma Published

Originally posted 19th September 2013

Chris Stoesen has released another scenario book for IABSM, In The Name of Roma!, containing a selection of platoon and company level scenarios for the Italians on the Eastern Front.

I've already got the book, and it looks excellent. Here's the blurb from Chris' website:

In July of 1941, the 80° Roma Regiment of the Pasubio Division boarded a train bound for Romania. Along with the rest of the Italian Expeditionary Corps in Russia (Corpo di Spedizione Italiano), they would advance through the Ukraine alongside their German allies. In the coming months, the 80° would be engaged in brutal fighting across 1400 miles of the Eastern Front – covering most of that on foot.

IN THE NAME OF ROMA is a wargame supplement that contains 30 company and platoon level scenarios covering the actions of the 80a Roma Regiment from August to December of 1941. You’ll follow the 80th from the open steppe to the Donetz industrial basin, including the amphibious attacks across the Dnieper, and the fateful decision of Column Chiarimonti to attempt to seize Nikitovka.


  • 30 scenarios divided in six distinct campaigns
  • Historical background information and period area maps
  • Italian and Soviet briefing for each scenario
  • Formation information and stats for Early War Italians and Soviets
  • Forward by Richard Clarke

Though primarily written for the Too Fat Lardies rules systems (I Ain’t Been Shot Mum; Troops, Weapons, and Tactics; and the newly released Chain of Command), the scenarios in IN THE NAME OF ROMA work equally well with Arc of Fire, Bolt Action, Flames of War or your favorite rules system.

IN THE NAME OF ROMA is available for $11 US. Send the money via PayPal to cstoesen@corecard.com and I will e-mail the PDF to you as soon as possible.

Blenneville or Bust! reviews from TMP

Originally posted 16th October 2012

"Already got mine – fantastic – can't wait to get them on the table. Well done Robert!"

"Downloaded mine to my tablet over lunch today and started to read it over. It's absolutely terrific. This is a campaign I'd love to get going on. All I need is a couple of enthusiastic players. Great work by Robert Avery."

"Just got it. The amount of work that has gone into this is incredible. It can quite easily be the basis of a 'finite' project if there is such a thing in our hobby. The blinds are provided to print out and there is a table detailing how many of each troop type is required for the whole campaign.
All the tables look to be 6x4 too. Superb"

"I agree …after a quick look over it looks absolutely brilliant…love the maps and scenarios and would be easily adapted to any system. Hugely professional looking product in keeping with everything I've got recently from the TFL"

Blenneville or Bust! published (IABSM Scenario Pack)

Originally posted 16th October 2012

My latest scenario pack for IABSM is now available to buy!

At 300 pages and 97,000 words, the Blenneville or Bust! campaign pack for the I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum! company-level WW2 rules is a whopper!

Blenneville or Bust! is a collection of fictional late war, western front scenarios set in a valley just south of the Normandy beaches a short time after the D-Day landings. US and British forces are attempting to drive through the German defences in the Ribeaux valley in order to break out into the open country beyond, the Germans are trying to stop them.

The pack contains thirty-one individual scenarios set up in a five-step pyramid campaign i.e. scenario 1 leads to either scenario 2A or 2B; the result of this second game leads to one of scenarios 3A, 3B, 3C or 3D; and so on until scenarios 5A to 5P. Although written as a fictional campaign booklet, no two scenarios are the same: each is unique and is also designed to be played as an individual game.

No need for any preparation: each scenario contains a full briefing for the Umpire and for each player. All you have to do is print out the three briefings, set up the table according to the map, make up the deck from the list of required cards, break out the figures and dice, and start the first turn.

The campaign is structured so that you'll get maximum use of the standard forces presented in Battle for Liberation, with well-designed and balanced scenarios for IABSM, or indeed any company level rule set you happen to game with.

Blenneville or Bust! contains an introduction, details of the campaign structure and forces involved, fifteen different maps (some games are played across the same terrain, albeit in a different direction), thirty-one different scenarios, and a collection of templates allowing you to print off Blind markers as appropriate. Please note, you don't need to print this out like a book (although you can if you wish): Blenneville or Bust! is designed to allow you to just print the scenarios as you use them.

Sample Briefing:

Bloody Burma Redux

Originally posted 26th November 2011

The next scenario pack updated for IABSM3 is "Bloody Burma". 

"Bloody Burma" contains an extensive history of the Japanese invasion of Burma in 1941/2, accompanied by twenty-four unique, company-level scenarios designed for “I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum!” but easily adaptable to other systems. It includes attacks, counter-attacks, encounter battles, fighting retreats, ambushes, and even an attempt to rescue POW’s!

“Bloody Burma” begins gently with a couple of infantry-only actions in the jungles of southern Burma, but rapidly progresses to full scale combined arms warfare (infantry, tanks, artillery and aircraft) on the plains and in the dense woods around Rangoon. Finally, the action moves to the high ground and river valleys to the north of Burma , as British, Indian and Chinese troops desperately try and hold off the rampaging Japanese for long enough to make their getaway!

Each scenario contains a background history, maps, a full game briefing, and a full briefing for each player. Simply print out the pages you need, unpack your figures, set up the table, and away you go! There's plenty of information given with each scenario, allowing easy conversion to other systems.

"Bloody Burma " contains the following scenarios: Operation Yacht; Kawkareik; Moulmein ; Paung; Kuzeik; Danyingon; The Yinon Road; Bilin; Pagoda Hill; Mokpalin; Payagyi; Pegu; Taukkyan; Pyuntaza; Henzada; Kyungon; Shwedaung; Kokkogwa; Myingun; Yenangyaung; Htuchaung; Kyaukse; Monywa; and Shwegyin.

Fall of the Lion Gate Redux

Originally posted 19th November 2011

The next scenario pack updated for IABSM3 is "Fall of the Lion Gate". From the original press pack:

Make sure you can Banzai! with the best of them this Christmas with Robert Avery's latest pdf scenario booklet for "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!". 

An extensive history of the Japanese invasion of Malaya and Singapore accompanied by twenty-one unique scenarios for "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!" including attacks, counter-attacks, encounter battles, an opposed landing, ambushes, fighting retreats, and even a last stand! 

"Fall of the Lion Gate" contains the following scenarios: Kota Bahru; Ban Sadao; The Ledge; Jitra; Gurun; Grik Road; Kota Tampan; Kampar; Kuantan; Slim River; Muar; Bakri; Batu Pahat; Mersing; Layang Layang; Airstrip Road; Kranji Peninsular; Bukit Timah; Jurong Road; Nee Soon; and Pasir Panjang. 

Each scenario contains a background history, maps, a full game briefing, and a full briefing for each player. Simply print out the pages you need, unpack your figures, set up the table, and away you go! 

Vyazma or Bust! Redux

Originally posted 15th November 2011

The next scenario pack updated for IABSM3 is "Vyazma or Bust". 

Set in Russia in the autumn of 1941, Vyazma or Bust  contains over a dozen scenarios that may be played individually, or for greater enjoyment as part of a linked campaign: 126 pages of high quality wargaming. 

The Defence of Calais Redux

Originally posted 2nd November 2011

Following the recent release of IABSM v3, I am working my way through the seven scenario packs I have written for the game, updating them in line with the changes to the rules and terminology used. Note that the scenarios are all easily usable with IABSM v1, v2 or v3 (or indeed with any company level WW2 rules): I just want to make sure that they are as easy to use as possible.

First  to be completed is The Defence of Calais: 14 scenarios centred around the BEF's ill-fated defence of Calais, France, 1940.

IABSM: Operation Compass Scenario Pack

Originally posted 9th April 2010

Fox Killed In Open!

Cruise the Blue with Robert Avery's latest pdf scenario booklet for "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!"

An extensive history of the Italian invasion of Egypt and the British response: Operation Compass, the Five-Day Raid that turned into a campaign. Set between June 1940 and early February 1941, the booklet contains twenty-three unique scenarios for “I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum!” including attacks, counter-attacks, encounter battles, desperate defences, and the types of action typical of desert warfare: tank vs tank and tank vs gun battles.

From the 11th Hussars’ initial reconnaissance and harassment missions; through to the assaults on the network of Italian camps in the Western Desert; the Australian assaults on Bardia, Tobruk and Derna; and on to the thrilling climax at Beda Fomm, you’ll encounter British, Australians and Italians of all shapes and sizes.

Operation Compass contains the following scenarios: 

1. The Road to Fort Capuzzo; 

2. The Battle of Girba

3. The Invasion of Egypt

4. Nibeiwa

5. Tummar West

6. Tummar East

7. Alam el Dab

8. Sidi Barrani

9. Buq Buq

10. The Road From Fort Capuzzo

11. Bardia One

12. Bardia Two

13. Bardia Three

14. Tobruk One

15. Tobruk Two

16. Tobruk Three

17. Mechili

18. Siret el Chreiba

19. The Derna Wadi

20. Sidi Saleh One

21. The Pimple One

22. The Pimple Two

23. Sidi Saleh Two

Sicilian Weekend published

Originally posted 29th April 2009

Fancy a weekend at Bernito's?

Hit the beaches or counter-attack from the hills with Robert Avery's latest pdf scenario booklet for "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!"

An extensive history of the first two days of Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily, covering the 10th and 11th July 1943, and accompanied by seventeen unique scenarios for "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!" including attacks, counter-attacks, encounter battles, desperate defences, fighting retreats, and ambushes!

From the initial and largely disastrous airborne assault through to the immediate aftermath of the main landings, you'll encounter British and US Paratroopers; regular British and American infantry and armour; Italians of all shapes and sizes; and maybe the odd German or two as well!

Each scenario contains a background history, maps, a full game briefing, and a full briefing for each player. Simply print out the pages you need, unpack your figures, set up the table, and away you go!

Available from www.toofatlardies.co.uk along with Robert's previous booklets The Defence of Calais; Vyazma or Bust; Fall of the Lion Gate; Bloody Burma; and Anzio - Wildcat to Whale.

Sicilian Weekend contains the following scenarios: The Ponte Grande Bridge; The Piano Lupo 1; North of the Pachino Airfield; Gela 1; The Piano Lupo 2; The Piano Lupo 3; The Road to Scoglitti; South-East of Butera; Gela 2; The Abbio Priolo; The Gela Plain; The Biazzo Ridge; Palma di Montechiaro; Canicatti; Favarotta; Campobello & South of Priolo. 

Anzio: Wildcat to Whale now available

Originally published 10th September 2007

Are You Wildcat Or Whale?


Hit the beaches or defend the hills with Robert Avery's latest pdf scenario booklet for "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!"

An extensive history of the first month of Operation Shingle, the Allied invasion of Italy at Anzio in January 1944, accompanied by twenty-one unique scenarios for "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!" including attacks, counter-attacks, encounter battles, desperate defences, fighting retreats, and ambushes!

Players will encounter a huge variety of troop types: line infantry, Guardsmen, Parachute infantry (on both sides), Luftwaffe ground troops (a penal battalion at that), Rangers and more. Fight them over terrain as testing as anything encountered in any theatre of the war: flat ground, muddy ground, wadis...Anzio has it all!

Each scenario contains a background history, maps, a full game briefing, and a full briefing for each player. Simply print out the pages you need, unpack your figures, set up the table, and away you go! You can see sample pages by clicking here.

Available now, along with Robert's previous booklets The Defence of Calais; Vyazma or Bust; Fall of the Lion Gate; and Bloody Burma.

"Anzio: Wildcat to Whale " contains the following scenarios: The Mussolini Canal; Carroceto; The Road to Cisterna; The Road to Sessano; The Huts; Cisterna; The Cisterna Creek Ravine; Campoleone Railway Station; Towards the Vallelata Ridge; Highway 7; The Campoleone Salient; East of The Factory; Aprilia; North of Carroceto; Carroceto Again; Aprilia Again; Fischfang Day One - A; Fischfang Day One - B; Fischfang Day Two; Fischfang Day Three; and Fischfang Day Four.