My turn now and, with so many of my men disordered, I only tw0 opportunities that I could take. The first was for my Knights on the far right flank to charge into the rear of the disordered Anglo-Norman Shieldwall just to their left. I had a General with the Knights, so could expect at least a couple of charges to go in.
Nope! I was hit by a couple of appallingly low activation cards and my cavalry stayed where they were, horses happily snacking on the grass!
No problem: my fresh Spearmen in the centre of the field could attack some disordered Anglo-Norman Shieldwall and…I got nowhere, my spears failing to penetrate the enemy formation!
This meant that unless I could think of another battle-winning move, the initiative would pass to Matt and I’d have to run the gauntlet of all those sudden death attacks again…and I was under no illusions that all those 10’s would come again.
By this time we had quite a little crowd around the table as I hummed and hawed about what to do next. I could charge the disordered enemy Knights on the left with my disordered Knights…risky but, I decided, worth a punt. Nope: another Ace meant that the flower of mercenary nobility weren’t interested in moving. I was fast running out of ideas!
My Crossbowmen had one ammunition marker left, and the Shieldwall in front of them were, as I said, disordered. That meant that I couldn’t kill them (as it takes three hits to kill a deep Shieldwall unit) but maybe if I knocked them down one more disorder I could, I don’t know, drop my crossbows and attack.