TFL Painting Challenge: A "Clocks Go Back" Update

It's been a bit of a tough week this week, with real world events meaning I haven't been feeling it.

However, as I'm home alone on Saturday night now after being lucky enough to get to the SA vs All Blacks game, I've had a sudden surge of enthusiasm, so have caught up with all the outstanding painting challenge entries.

So this is a bit of a whopping update.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Steve Burt with the last of his Napoleonics...even 'though I'm sure you said that last time
  • Mr Ralls adds some more Germans to his WW2 collection
  • Andy Duffell also goes WW2: Kiwis in Italy or Poles in Europe plus some nice terrain
  • Benito returns to the fray with some nice French Dragoons
  • Matt Slade sends in his usual bumper entry: Rebs, shieldmaidens, Boudiccas, Zulus, British to fight them
  • Mr Miller is having to slow down a bit due to his robotics (no, he isn't building Thomas a painting engine) but still manages to send in a Polish king and entourage
  • Speaking of Thomas: some DAK, some Desert Rats, and a carrier
  • Andrew Helliwell sends in another batch of ACW infantry: two regiments
  • It really is very WW2 and very desert today as Koen sends in some DAK and a couple of guns. Perhaps you could send your entry here next time, Koen, rather than to my work. Lucky it wasn't those "gentlemen's miniatures" I asked you to paint!
  • Not wanting to add to the innuendo, but Sapper has a big entry this time: some Samurai-period bushi and a mob, some limbers, a SYW battalion, and some Americans with bazookas
  • Mr Luther sends in a cluster of 6mm equipment: planes, no trains, but automobiles
  • And last, but by no means least, AJH submits lots of lovely SYW figures

 We'll finish, as always, with a few piccies.

Here are Benito's Dragoons:

Here's a bit of detail on Andy Duffell's farmhouse...he's painted the inside too:

Finally, here are AJH's SYW Austrians: very nice: