TFL Painting Challenge: Enormous Update
/An enormous update today: lots of people submitting lots of entries. Has taken me almost two hours to update the site!
In no particular order we have:
- Matt Slade with a huge number of 15mm sci-fi miniatures from Khurasan. Of particular note is the sci-fi Foreign Legion: twenty-one figures from the same unit, but each from a different alien race. Kinda hard to get into a painting rhythm there: I know, mine are still languishing in the lead mountain!
- Mr Plowman makes a welcome return: very busy, but not busy enough not to fit in painting four random fantasy figures
- Mr Baldwin submits his usual large melange of figures and scales
- Carole has built and painted a couple of lovely camps
- A first entry this year from Pingu, who promptly pops in some perfectly painted Paras
- Sapper achieves some Seleucids
- Egg just about completes his British forces for Sealion
- Mr Burt submits some Hussars, and another cat photo...
- Stumpy sends in some great 28mm modern Russians, and some 15mm WW2 Germans as well
- Mr Naylor builds some rather nice looking minefields
- and finally Mervyn paints some more LOTR figures
I'm thinking that a large number of entries deserves a large number of pictures, so again in no particular order we have:
Egg's Brits for Sealion
Carole's Camps
Ralph Plowman's entry: four random fantasy figures
And finally, Mr Burt's other cat!
I would have included Matt Slade's sci-fi Foreign legion, but as they are split between about six pics, you'll have to go to his gallery and see them there.