TFL Painting Challenge: Monster Update!

A truly vast number of figures submitted for this update...and I mean vast!

In no particular order, we have:

  • Joakim Strom with twenty 28mm figures and a couple of 28mm vehicles
  • Mr Bax with ten more 28s for Dux
  • Stumpy submits a mixture of newly painted and re-based (half points) figures: a total of about 280 infantry, 48 cavalry, a couple of guns and ten jump-off points!
  • Steve Burt pops in some more command figures to fill his gaps
  • Mr Stappells achieves an entire French 15mm WW2 platoon plus supports: 82 infantry, two guns and three tanks. Tres bien, monsieur!
  • Paul Baldwin adds thirty-one 28mm foot to his collection
  • Mr Helliwell adds another twenty-four 15mm foot to his
  • And finally Owen, who has obviously been painting in another dimension, where time passes more slowly than for the rest of us, achieves thirty-six (yes: 36) 15mm houses and 233 15mm infantry 

That's almost 350 28mm foot and another 350 15mm infantry plus an assortment of vehicles, guns and the odd horseman too. A most impressive achievement all round!

Today's pictures are from Tony Stappells, Stumpy and Mr Strom:

Tony Stappells' French supports

Tony Stappells' French supports

French Dragoons in 28mm from Stumpy

French Dragoons in 28mm from Stumpy

Joakim's Italian priest with Tommy gun!

Joakim's Italian priest with Tommy gun!