TFL Painting Challenge: Today's Update
/Lots of entries again today: this is becoming a very busy event!
In no particular order we have:
- Doug Melville and some very lovely Milanese banners for download
- Andrew Helliwell with his usual crowd of 15mm figures
- Leif pops in a handful of Mars Attacks! figures
- Owen enters some more naval crew and guns
- Mr "Hat" Bowler returns after a short absence with some more WOTR figures, the first of many Caesarian chaps, and a triplet of ships
- Mark Luther provides some of the missing pics in his gallery
- Keith Davies sends in some 6mm WW2 figures
- Mr Plowman has two entries, both 15mm sci-fi, both fantastic
- and finally Kev has a couple of very gorgeous bombards for us to admire
Today's pictures are from Kev and Ralph, with Doug's banner's thrown in for good measure!
SciFi civilians from Ralph Plowman
One of Kev's rather lovely bombards. You can see a side elevation in his gallery.
Doug's Milanese banners, available to download from his blog (see his gallery for details)
Oh and here's another, as an extra bonus: some of Mark Luther's Japanese in action: