TFL Painting Challenge: Huge Update
/Whilst I have been a bit light on posts recently (real world, heavy cold, blah, blah, blah) the rest of you have been pulling out all the stops to complete your painting projects for this year's challenge.
Still plenty of time to get them in, but here's today's rather large update:
- Mr Hoooge pops in some dismounted dragoons
- Andrew Helliwell hits us twice: once with the Tudors, and once with the WW2 Germans
- Mark Luther continues his conquest of the skies with some 6mm aircraft, and a 6mm town to go with them
- Mervyn does Dux, with some Picts, Irish and casualties!
- The great Gatzemeyer goes Dropship Commander on us, with a PHR starter force
- Matt Slade sends in his usual large dollop of painted lead: archers and knights, very nice
- Owen submits a colossal entry: foot, ships, a town...all in 28mm
- And last, but by no means least, Ralph pops in some rather good 15mm sci-fi infantry
Today's pics are from Garrett, Ralph and Owen...
Dropship Commander: if only it was in 15mm!
Galleons from Owen
More sci-fi, this time from Ralph