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TFL Painting Challenge: End of the Lull

My comments under the "Strange Days" post, below, seem to have broken the lull in entries to the painting challenge.

So, after a week and a bit, we have:

  • Carole with loads more troops for her Imaginations Bordurians
  • Mr Luther not only fills in some of his "MIA" submissions, but also sends in six wonderful entries for the deployment point competition currently being run by Rich
  • Steve Burt pops in some more Egyptians
  • Mervyn sends in a few undead and a very nice Warbases barn
  • Kev, our own little Fat Wally, adds to his ECW collection
  • Chris Stoesen submits a building he found on E-Bay
  • Andy Duffell, after a bit of an absence, sends in a very nice early medieval Breton retinue in 28mm
  • and last, but by no means least, Mr Davenport also makes a welcome reappearance with 96 hamburgers...I mean Hamburgers!

Today's pics? So many to choose from. Let's go with Mark's deployment points (four of them), some of Andy's Bretons, and some of Jonathan's Hamburgers:

Four of Mark Luther's Deployment Points

Breton Mounted Sergeants from Andy Duffell

Look at the detail of JD's Hamburger shields!