Painting Challenge Update Number Ten
/Is it me? Or has this year's Challenge started up at turbo speed? It certainly seems as if the entries are coming in thicker and faster than ever before.
So, in no particular order, here's this week's batch:
- The Bowler Hat sends in an enormous entry: lots of Romans and Luther-like numbers of little 'planes
- Speaking of which, Mr Luther pops in a couple of photos of his previous output: some nice Japanese tankettes
- Mr Burt sends in some Libyans of the ancient variety
- Jon Davenport submits over 100 British Napoleonics, and a sizeable number of slightly bigger Hessians
- We also have more sci-fi goodness from Carole
- And some lovely moderns from Egg
- Stumpy sends in his first entry of the year, and its enormous, even if it is only re-basing. I've labelled the ones I can.
- Mr Helliwell is still doing the American Civil War
- And last, but by no means least, Mr Haines has a few more buckskin-clad irregulars for us to look at
So another large entry: keep 'em coming! Today's pictures are below:
Egg's Canadians
Sci Fi Jetbikes from Carole
Mr Davenport's Hessians
Some Romans from Lloyd Bowler