TFL Painting Challenge: Another Huge Update

We've all been very busy over the last couple of weeks: lots of entries into the painting challenge.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Mark Luther with some more kit for Burma 1944, and the start of a microarmour WW2 Hungarian army.
  • The great Gatzemeyer has some more Anglo-Danes for his warband
  • John Haines pops in some more AWI infantry
  • Carole sends in a stronghold: a camp for her HOTT renaissance army
  • It's time to go out and get a new cabinet, as Andrew Helliwell bursts his old one at the seams with another sixty TYW foot figures
  • Chris Gilbride returns to the challenge for the first time this year with a big entry consisting of various terrain pieces and some WW2 Soviet tanks
  • Where would we be without our weekly entry from Mervyn: this time it's Numidians, Congalese and terrain
  • Matt Slade showcases the new Warbases 15mm sci-fi terrain. Lots of of pics!
  • More modern Danes from Doug Melville
  • And last, but by no means least, a big entry of African tribesmen from Jason Ralls

As per usual, clicking on the names above will take you to their gallery (opens in a new window).

Today's pictures are below: