TFL Painting Challenge: A Double Update
/Be careful what you wish for!
So yesterday I log all the Challenge entries and write my blog post, slightly lamenting the fact that things were so quiet.
It's all set up and ready to go when in comes the news about the publication of the Summer Special (see yesterday's post). So I bump the Painting Challenge to today in order to get the news of the Special up there in a timely fashion.
Then, of course, I open my inbox this morning to find it packed with Challenge entries, all of which I have to process quickly this morning!
So, not so slow on the Challenge...and here are the latest entries:
- Jason Ralls rolls over the challenge with thirty cold war Soviet tanks and APCs
- Matt Slade mixes and matches with a chimera in 28mm
- It's the return of The Vapours as Andy Duffell goes all Japanese on us
- Carole has been spending time with some Copplestone barbarians
- Never one to do anything by halves, our favourite Fat Wally submits many, many casualty markers
- Mr Hodge sends in loads of WW2 6mm and 10mm kit, plus a Spanish church
- Risen from the dead is Mr Davenport with a host of 15mm WW2 vehicles
- The Great Gatzemeyer goes WW1 sci-fi
- Also going WW1, but not the sci-fi bit, is Andrew McCarthy
- and last, but by no means least, Mr Helliwell adds yet more Thirty Years War figures to his collection. A trip to Ikea needed now!
As is usual, clicking on the name of the gallery owner, above, will take you straight to their gallery (opens in a new page),
Today's pics are below:
A close up of some of Carole's barbarians
Ikko Ikki from Andy Duffell
Hotchkiss tanks in 10mm from Derek Hodge
Keep them coming!