Post Holiday Painting Challenge Update

Hi All!

Yes, just back from my holiday, surfing in Polzeath, Cornwall. Terrible weather, quite dampened down my bushy, bushy blond hairdo, but we surfers don't care about the rain...and at least I got the chance to share the waves with David Cameron and a restaurant with Nick Knowles.

Apparently the D&D of Cornwall also drove through Polzeath whilst I was there, but as I didn't see their convoy, I'm not sure that counts.

I know: friend to the stars or what!

Back to business: today's Painting Challenge update. In no particular order, we have:

As always, clicking on the gallery-owner's name will take you straight to their gallery, which will open in a new window.

Today's pictures are below:

Highlanders from Mr McGinn

Egg's Canadians

Japanese Masked Men from Mr Haines