TFL Painting Challenge: A Large One!

Plenty of entries still flooding in for this year's painting challenge. Plenty of time for you to get painting and photographing if you haven't entered anything so far.

Here, in no particular order, are this week's entries:

  • Mervyn has some Saracens and Greeks to display
  • Mr Slade sends in a cornucopia of GW Deathguard nasties
  • There are some African huts from Carole
  • Stumpy has been basing like crazy: more Napoleonics and ACW types
  • More Hittites and SYW dragoons from Sapper
  • Ralph Plowman sends in some very odd entries: busts and the like (not that sort!)
  • There's a couple of tanks and some pirates from Mr Stoesen
  • Andy Duffell has definitely gone Japanese

As always, clicking on the names above will take you straight to their gallery (opens in a new window).

Here are today's pictures: