Painting Challenge: Major Update (and Captain Impressive!)

Seems like ages since I updated the Painting Challenge, but it's only been about a week. Must be all the work for the publication of the BEF handbook for IABSM yesterday that makes it seem longer. Anyway, to business: in today's update, in no particular order, we have:

  • Matt Slade with a cornucopia of colourful creatures
  • More 1/72 medievals from Andrew Helliwell
  • Some more terrain from Mr Stoesen
  • A big entry from Stumpy: Napoleonics and ACW
  • Blue Moose Ken has some lovely 28s to show us
  • There's a whole bunch of Modern vehicles from Chris Kay
  • Sapper strikes back with some French Dragoons
  • There's a cracking first entry from Travis Hiett: Lieutenant Tanaka's WW2 Japanese platoon in 28mm
  • And last, but not least, Derek is still at the Mad Max 20mm vehicles

As always, clicking on the name above will take you straight to their gallery (opens in a new window) and I'll update the Scorecard tonight.

Today's pictures:

A cracking first entry from Mr Hiett

Mongol types from Blue Moose Ken

French Dragoons from Sapper

More modern cavalry:  Chieftains from Chris Kay

Would these stop the Chieftains? Some rather nice anti-tank guns from Mr Hodge.

Frenchies from Stumpy