Painting Challenge: Important Notice

For a variety of different reasons, I won’t have an Internet connection for the next few days, including over New Year’s Eve and Day.

That means that rather than updating Challenge entries right the way up to midnight on the 31st, I won’t be adding any entries until my connection is restored sometime towards the end of this week. So the final scores for this year’s Challenge won’t be available until probably the 4th or 5th of next year.

Fear not, however, any entries received before midnight on 31st December will count towards your totals for this year. Anything later needs to be clearly marked as belonging to 2019 or it will be counted as a 2020 entry.

And yes, that means that the Challenge will be continuing into 2020: usual entry requirements and rules apply, but don’t forget that without Internet it will take me a few days to set up all the galleries etc for 2020.

Hope everyone has a very Happy New Year.