Painting Challenge Update & More Deliveries

Time for a Painting Challenge update, and some of you have been using the new lockdown wisely!

Check out the individual galleries for a complete look at what’s been submitted over the last couple of weeks, but here’s some highlights:

Keep them coming: only a few weeks until the end of the year and thus the end of this year’s Challenge.

More Deliveries

Those of you who are regular readers will know that I ordered a whole load of lockdown supplies on the first Sunday of the new restrictions, and we’ve been keeping tabs on how the eight or so people I ordered from have been doing.

Wayland Games were the next supplier to deliver, coming in in sixth place with an envelope containing basing materials and flock. It’s all still pretty impressive stuff as I can remember the time when it was “allow 28 days for delivery” and you were lucky if it arrived then!

So far, therefore, we have:

1. Boontown (3 days)

2. Warbases (4 days)

3. Magister Militum (5 days)

4= Games Workshop (6 days)

4= Museum Miniatures (6 days)

6. Wayland Games (10 days)