FK&P AAR: Laundry Day

My play-through of the Siege of Norchester campaign for For King & Parliament is really hotting up. After the encounter at Happy Valley, where Rob’s Royalists were thoroughly trounced by my Parliamentarians, it was time for Scenario 9: Laundry Day.

As background, despite their defeat in the Valley, the Royalist relief force has managed to get through the Parliamentarian cordon and sneak (if you can sneak a multi-battalia army!) through to the rear of the Roundhead lines where, as luck would have it, it’s laundry day. The scenario pits a force of Cavaliers on the offensive against a line of Parliamentarian camps, the loss of each of which would cost the Roundheads valuable victory medals.

The Royalists had the initiative and, after a bit of manouevring to get over the hedge in front of their initial positions, started forward, rapidly followed by a similar advance from the Roundheads.

After an exchange of infantry fire on the central hill that left several men dead on each side, the first main clashes occured between the cavalry forces on the wings.

Honours were even on the left wing; but on the right wing the only veteran Parliamentarian squadron of Dutch horse charged, was counter-charged, and then dashed from the field by a squadron of Royalist Swedish horse. This was a very unpleasant start to the action for the Roundheads!

Meanwhile, the two infantry lines had closed in the centre, and an inconclusive firefight broke out followed by a couple of equally inconclusive melees: the Roundheads (a) notably failing to break a mob of Royalist followers, (b) failing to have any impact at all with a supposedly-devastating first charge by some Border Reivers (the Highlanders in the pictures below), and (c) being pushed back from the hill in the centre of the field.

Worse for the Rpundheads, they had now decisively lost the cavalry battle on the right wing, leaving the Royalists free to advance and capture one of their camps. This cost three vital victory medals that I could only replace if I could re-take the camp: something that was, and excuse the TTS in-joke, not on the cards!

My cavalry on the left wing weren’t, however, doing too badly, but my problem was getting them back into a position from where they could affect the rest of the field. Some of them were pursuing fleeing enemy off the table, others had only just rallied up from disorder.

But my time was almost up. With the medals I had lost so far, the Parliamentarian force was close to breaking. Okay, so the Royalists were a bit battered too, but they hadn’t lost a camp!

I attempted a counter-attack in the centre, and came close to breaking through…and managed to get my pursuing cavalry on the left turned around and heading back to the action…but just didn’t now have the staying power of the Royalists.

Rob and I swapped unit for unit losses, but the simple factof the matter was that I ran out of coins before he did.

Metaphorical taila between their equally metaphorical legs, the Roundheads snuck from the battlefield, leaving the victorious Royalists to reinforce beleaguered Norchester.

So from being several coins ahead over the campaign as a whole I was now down seven coins overall: proving that you can’t afford to lose your laundry if you want to take a city!

Three games to go, with an encounter at Ramshackle Road being next…