TTS AAR: A Day in the Desert
/Another series of mega-games of To The Strongest yesterday!
The premise is as follows:
two teams: one of three players, one of two players
New Kingdom Egyptians vs Neo-Assyrians
Four armies, two identical armies of each, each army is 300 points
In the morning, one team takes the Egyptians and the other the Assyrians for two simultaneous 300 point battles
In the afternoon, the teams swap armies for two more simultaneous battles
Finally one massive 1,200 point battle with each side bidding to play their preferred army by sacrificing victory medals
Add up all the points over the five battles and see which team wins
The big pyramid marks the centre of the 18 foot table. The temple at the far end is the end of the battlefield, but there’s a mirror behind it making things look even bigger!
Game One
My morning game involved me using a New Kingdom Egyptian army against Steve and Dillon playing the Neo-Assyrians.
I decided to mass my light chariots to give them a bit more staying power and at first this seemed to be working nicely. My charioteers charged forward and were soon loosing a hail of arrows on the Assyrians.
Unfortunately, there seemed to be something wrong with my bows that day, and I just couldn’t score a hit to save my life. The Assyrians then came forward in return and hammered me in melee. We didn’t finish the game (phew!) but at the final whistle I had lost 7:13 points.
Game Two
For the first afternoon game, I swapped sides and played the Assyrians versus Si taking the Egyptians.
This battle started really well for the Assyrians, going 5-0 up within the first few turns. Unfortunately my luck turned and the cards (it was a new deck as well) decided that they hated me!
It was a hard fought game that we did manage to fight to a conclusion: with me going down 15:21 points.
The Mega-Game
Fortunately my team partner, Peter, had done somewhat better than I had, and we went into the final mega-game only two points behind. We then sacrificed two more victory coins to make sure that we took the Assyrians: so four down in all.
We played this enormous battle as one game in two halves, meaning that there were a couple of times that the two halves got out of sync and one side or the other had to pause and wait for the other to catch up. Dillon, playing in the centre on the enemy side, had to fight Peter with some of his commands and me with what was left. Despite these small speedbumps, the game rattled on at a cracking pace, showing what a robust system To The Strongest is.
Not only was the game cracking, but also very close. We started off with me doing rather well, and Peter doing less well. Then I had a catastrophic turn when I shed victory coins like last year’s fashion (not sure where that metaphor came from!) but recovered to deal out the same treatment to my main opponent, Si, immediately afterwards.
Both Peter and I then continued to alternate good patches with bad patches, calling out our successes (and failures) to the other as they happened. Finally the last Egyptian victory medal was won, and it all came down to how many we had left.
We’d been keeping them in a little pot, and, at first, it looked as if we had hardly any left at all. This was, however, an illusion, as we’d been taking out the big medals as we went along leaving only the little ones behind. The final score was 42:31 to Peter and I, meaning that we had won the day overall.
All in all a great day’s gaming. My thanks to Peter for organising and hosting.