TFL Painting Challenge: Another Huge Update

We've all been very busy over the last couple of weeks: lots of entries into the painting challenge.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Mark Luther with some more kit for Burma 1944, and the start of a microarmour WW2 Hungarian army.
  • The great Gatzemeyer has some more Anglo-Danes for his warband
  • John Haines pops in some more AWI infantry
  • Carole sends in a stronghold: a camp for her HOTT renaissance army
  • It's time to go out and get a new cabinet, as Andrew Helliwell bursts his old one at the seams with another sixty TYW foot figures
  • Chris Gilbride returns to the challenge for the first time this year with a big entry consisting of various terrain pieces and some WW2 Soviet tanks
  • Where would we be without our weekly entry from Mervyn: this time it's Numidians, Congalese and terrain
  • Matt Slade showcases the new Warbases 15mm sci-fi terrain. Lots of of pics!
  • More modern Danes from Doug Melville
  • And last, but by no means least, a big entry of African tribesmen from Jason Ralls

As per usual, clicking on the names above will take you to their gallery (opens in a new window).

Today's pictures are below:

Painting Challenge: Monster Update

Loads of submissions this week: good stuff, keep it up!

In no particular order, we have:

  • Lloyd Bowler returns with more aircraft than you can shake an 88 at
  • Loads of cannibals and pygmies from Mervyn
  • There are StuGs from Mr Davies
  • And more medievals from Mr Helliwell
  • Steve Burt joins Mervyn in Darkest Africa
  • Carole has a new renaissance army
  • It's rød grød med fløde from Doug with his modern Danish battlegroup
  • And, last but by no means least, a trip to Mars with Matt Slade

As is now usual, clicking on the names in bold above opens that person's gallery in a new window.

Today's pictures are as follows:

Here's Doug's modern Danish battle group: see his gallery for close ups

Da tank from da Vinci:  part of Carole's newly painted renaissance army

Gloucester Gladiators from the Hat!

Keep those entries coming!

TFL Painting Challenge: A Large Update

People have been busy! Plenty of entries flooding in. So, in no particular order, in today's update we have:

  • Andrew McCarthy finally gets off the mark with some WW1 British infantry
  • More WW1, but this time from Carole: some Scots
  • Chris Kay pops in a platoon or so of 15mm modern British infantry
  • Thomas sends in three figures
  • Mr Helliwell is still dabbling in the 1/72 medievals: a mass of longbowmen to be exact
  • Mervyn is back to Dux, with some Irish in 28mm
  • Mr Luther sends in a hodge podge of bits and pieces in a variety of scales
  • There's more Darkest Africa from Mr Burt
  • Koen pops in some beautifully painted French for Indochina, and some American Civil War figures as well
  • Stumpy has kept his painter busy, meaning he has loads of rebasing to share
  • And last, but by no means least, Mr Slade is back with some engineers, artillery and a few civilians

As always, clicking on the names, above, will open their Gallery in a new window.

Today's pictures are below:

A close up of some of Koen's Paras

Don't look at the figures: just look at Stumpy's re-basing!

Matt's engineers: Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grubb!

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Sunday Morning Update

Good morning all. It's a beautiful day, so I'd better get the Painting Challenge updated before getting outside to enjoy it.

This week, in no particular order, we have:

  • Chris Kay with a mix of modern and post-modern work. Loving those Captain Scarlet vibes!
  • Some of the new PSC 15mm plastic carriers from Carole
  • Mr Luther paints some more for Burmese CoC, and fills in a couple of missing photos
  • Dem bones is rattlin': skeletons in 28mm from Matt Slade
  • Some nice Ashigaru from Mr Haines, who also has a Tiny Wargames battlemat
  • The usual mixed bag from Mr Ralls
  • Steve Burt is still in Darkest Africa
  • Mervyn is in Cyprus. No, really, but still manages to update the challenge with some of Conan's furniture and seven dead gunslingers
  • And last, but by no means least, the Great Gatzemeyer pops in a baggage train

As is now usual, clicking on the name of the painter will open their gallery in a new window.

Today's pictures are below:

This is the voice of the Mysterons...Captain Scarlet and friends from Chris Kay

Well it is a Sunday: a church and graveyard from Jason

Chi Ha from Mark Luther

Mr Haines' cannon fodder...I mean, Ashigaru

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Update

Less than a week since the last update, and I think it's time for another one: I've got to keep on top of all the submissions pouring in!

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Jason Ralls, back from the dead, with some 28mm ACW figures
  • Andrew Helliwell continues his medieval collection, but makes the fatal mistake of trying a new scale. That road lies only to ruin!
  • Following Andrew down the two-scale path is Mr Kay: some lovely Pulp figures in 28mm followed by the start of a Team Yankee collection. The end is nigh!
  • Already a Cold War king, Egg adds to his force with some teeny-tiny modern West German infantry platoons. As he says: lots of firepower, but not a lot of points for the Challenge.
  • The Great Gatzemeyer pops in some more Dropzone Commander miniatures. Lovely sculpts: if only they did them in 15mm...
  • Is it a bird? Is it a 'plane? No...but it is another entry from Thomas Nissvik. Thomas' entries are like buses: nothing for ages, then three all at once! Here he has three Walking Dead figures from Mantic.
  • Carole Flint sends in a couple of female magic users and some CoC jump off points.
  • The increasingly prolific Mr Davenport submits another Napoleonic division in 18mm (and this one has tartan!) and a mighty horde of 28mm Baja warriors for some North Africa colonial action
  • And last, but by no means least, Steve Burt has, according to him, the last of the Carthaginians...but we don't believe him, do we!

As usual, clicking on the name of the person above will open their full gallery in a new window and, as I'm updating this before work, the Scoreboard won't be updated until I can get to my home PC.

Here are today's pictures. Little beauties, the lot of 'em!

Another division from Mr Davenport

Gorgeous Pulp figures from Hasslefree from Chris Kay

Zouaves from Lazarus himself: Mr Ralls

Modern West German infantry from Egg

TFL Painting Challenge: Monster "Back At Work" Thursday Update

Well I'm back at work after my break: quite a shock to the system after just over two weeks off, but there's nothing like a good painting challenge update to get me back into the swing of things!

So today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Thomas Nissvik with some zombies
  • Mr Burt sends in the pachyderms
  • Two entries from opposite ends of the time continuum from Mr Duffell: a Churchill tank and some very angry Ikko Ikko monks
  • John de Terre Neuve crashes a 'plane in the Pacific
  • Joining Andy on the samurai front, Mr Haines sends in some ashigaru and their betters, and a few houses for them to inhabit as well
  • The Mad Padre returns with some lovely ladies to entrance the men of Gondor who accompany them
  • Mr Helliwell is still all Wars of the Roses
  • Loving the dangerous women from Ms Flint
  • Sapper pops in some Brits for CoC, and some New Kingdom Egyptians for variety
  • Ed Bowen returns to the fold with some carts and a rather nice little chicken house vignette
  • And last, but by no means least, Mervyn contains his excitement over Salute for just long enough to send us some Persians

As always, click on the names above to go straight to their galleries, which all open in new windows.

Today's pictures are below. The Scorecard will be updated tonight, when I'm on the home PC.

Lovely Churchill tank in 28mm from Andy Duffell

The Mad Padre's hareem

And, in contrast, Carole's female militia

And finally Mr Bowen's chicken coop. I hope he's got the frontage and depth size right for the chickens!

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Big One!

Yes, it's another big entry into the painting challenge, including two first submissions of the year.

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Thomas returns with some more troops for French Indo-China
  • Mervyn is still playing with those barbarians: more figures from the world of Conan
  • We then have plenty more re-basing from Stumpy. Surely the collection must be just about done by now!
  • Mr Burt pops in some Carthaginian cavalry
  • A large submission from John de Terre Neuve: ghoulies, and US Marines for the Pacific
  • Mr Luther has finished some Commonwealth troops for Burma CoC
  • There's a Frostgrave warband from Carole
  • Also returning this week is Doug Melville, with a colossal entry involving some AWI Hessian types and a load of figures for Call of Mr C.
  • Mr Plowman has joined a cult
  • And last, but by no means least, Egg has gone all piratical on us, and sends in a Buccaneer for the Soviets to shoot at

Once again I have linked the names of the people above to their gallery, with the page opening in a new window so that you don't have to keep flicking backwards and forwards through things.

Today's pictures:

AWI American Regulars from Doug

Egg's Buccaneer

Steve Burt's Carthaginian Citizen Cavalry

Some of Thomas' troops for Indo-China

Keep 'em coming!

Painting Challenge Update: Normal Service Resumed!

It seems as if last week's exhortations worked, as we have an update so large that I decided to do it today, Friday, as opposed to my usual Saturday post.

The update includes three returnees with their first entries of the year, including one who took the challenge in year's one and two then had a year off last year. Rumours of a trip "at Her Majesty's Pleasure" or of a secret mission to the former eastern bloc are, of course, utterly unfounded!

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • Mervyn with some Scottish horsemen
  • Koen de Smedt submits his first update of the year: vast numbers of 28mm figures including a couple of Frozen tableaus!?
  • And Ashley is also back with a bang, sending in some good looking walkers in a couple of scales
  • Also returning (from his long trip, LOL) is John de Terre Neuve, who has obviously spent his year away painting and sent all his entries in at once!
  • Andy Duffell has gone Japanese...well, apart from the burnt out CMP truck
  • The painting machine that is Matt Slade sends in a collection of 28mm beasties
  • Egg is still modernising: twelve assorted vehicles in 15mm
  • And last, but by no means least, Chris Stoesen takes a break from writing scenario packs and submits a very nice looking log cabin

I have also, at Egg's suggestion, linked all the names in the list above to their galleries, with the galleries set to open in a new window. Let me know if that makes browsing the galleries significantly easier as, if it is, I'll keep doing it and, if it isn't, I won't bother next time!

Now just because I've put some links in doesn't mean we'll be losing the weekly photos in this post. Here are today's...

Japanese Princess from Mr Duffell

Sniper's mate from Kohn

20mm PSC Hanomags from John

Egg's Moderns Mixture

Painting Challenge Update: Very Quiet

It's been a very quiet week for the painting challenge. After a couple of months of frenetic activity, only a very few entries this week.

Come on, the rest of you, get those brushes out and start painting!

Today's entries are:

  • John Davenport with some nice modern Soviet tanks
  • Some British Paras from Carole. So, how do you feel about painting that many Denison smocks?
  • Mr Helliwell offers a couple of Gaz trucks and lots of half-Russians!
  • There's more AWI goodness from John Haines
  • And finally Ralph Plowman has some fanstasy/sci-fi 28s, and a very nice 15mm walker

So that's it:  five entrants this week. Not good!

Soviet tanks from Mr Davenport

Ralph's Walker

Some AWI infantry from Mr Haines

British Paras from Carole

Soviets from Mr Helliwell

Painting Challenge Update Number Eleven

After a week of Poland, it's back to the painting challenge for update number eleven. I am still sure that the challenge is far busier this year than it was last year!

So, in no particular order, we have:

  • The maestro, Matt Slade, with a big red dragon (and it is big!), a giant and a scorpion
  • Mr Weathersby sends in another of his hand-rigged Napoleonic ships
  • Chris Kay finishes his vikings
  • Here comes the cavalry, courtesy of Egg
  • Mr Hodge, fresh from proof-reading The September War, sens in over a hundred little Frenchmen
  • We have some archaeologists from Carole
  • The Mad Padre has scenery and elves for us to look at and admire
  • With an all new background, Mr Helliwell sends in more ACW figures and a few bits of scenery
  • Kev, our favourite Fat Wally, also does the ACW, with a suitably Kev-like, huge entry
  • And last, but by no means least, Mervyn pops in some Dark Ages types

Today's pictures are below. Just a few, as I have to nip to the post office to pick up a package: more miniatures!

Brian's hand-rigged Napoleonic ship

More cold war goodness from egg

confederate band from kev


Painting Challenge Update Number Ten

Is it me?  Or has this year's Challenge started up at turbo speed? It certainly seems as if the entries are coming in thicker and faster than ever before.

So, in no particular order, here's this week's batch:

  • The Bowler Hat sends in an enormous entry:  lots of Romans and Luther-like numbers of little 'planes
  • Speaking of which, Mr Luther pops in a couple of photos of his previous output: some nice Japanese tankettes
  • Mr Burt sends in some Libyans of the ancient variety
  • Jon Davenport submits over 100 British Napoleonics, and a sizeable number of slightly bigger Hessians
  • We also have more sci-fi goodness from Carole
  • And some lovely moderns from Egg
  • Stumpy sends in his first entry of the year, and its enormous, even if it is only re-basing. I've labelled the ones I can.
  • Mr Helliwell is still doing the American Civil War
  • And last, but by no means least, Mr Haines has a few more buckskin-clad irregulars for us to look at

So another large entry: keep 'em coming! Today's pictures are below:

Egg's Canadians

Sci Fi Jetbikes from Carole

Mr Davenport's Hessians

Some Romans from Lloyd Bowler

TFL Painting Challenge: Week 9

Well the ninth update even if it isn't exactly week nine.

Another good-sized batch of entries so, in no particular order, we have:

  • Lardy stalwart Chris Stoesen rather unbelievably sends in his first entry ever for the challenge: some lovely eastern front terrain
  • Mr Naylor sends in some Germans to inhabit that terrain
  • Ever-present Matt Slade has been sowing the Hydra's teeth
  • Mr Luther is back to painting little 'planes, lots of little 'planes
  • Chris Kay has some vikings for us to admire
  • Carole might be playing some ASL, so has painted up some GZG sci-fi figures in preparation
  • Another newbie, Craig MacNeill, has some WW1 Canadians for us to see
  • And Mr Weathersby also enters for the first time: a couple of 1/1200 ships. That rigging must have taken ages...still only 12 points per ship though
  • Keith Davies prepares for Arnhem with a couple of German big cats
  • And last, but by no means least, here's John Haines with some more AWI militia

Today's pictures are:

Here's Chris Stoesen's terrain for the eastern front

One of Brian's lovely 1/1200 ships:  hand-rigged!

Chris Kay's vikings in 28mm

Carole's Space Marines in 15mm

TFL Painting Challenge: possibly the Biggest Update Ever!

A truly enormous update to the painting challenge this week. I'm just glad I've had a chance to upload it all before the start of the rugby!

Right, here goes:

  • Steve Burt with some Ancients, and I've re-loaded his missing pic from last time
  • Mervyn with some Middle-Earth elves and peacekeeping Crusaders
  • Matt 'the machine' Slade, obviously, with some more Napoleonic Rifles and a couple of handfuls of mythical Greeks: harpies and minotaurs
  • Egg completes (allegedly) his Cold War Brits: lots of squishies and a 'plane
  • Mr Yuengling has gone all Aeroneuf this week
  • Jon Davenport sends in his first entry of the year...and it's enormous: enough 15mm Napoleonics to fill the largest of tables
  • And so does Kev: same century, different era...but enough 15mm ACW figures to fill the other half of the table
  • Mr Naylor pops in some 15mm German weapons teams
  • And Carole sends in a British platoon who might oppose them
  • Mr Plowman sends in his usual eclectic mix
  • Derek Hodge is also of the WW2 mindset, but in 10mm rather than 15mm. Lovely figures.
  • Andrew Helliwell has gone all ACW, with some foot and guns
  • The Mad Padre has been spreading the love with some campsites painted for a friend
  • John Haines is still in the AWI: more British infantry
  • And last, but by no means least, Cabey Cabey has a few more beautiful Nappies for us to admire

So many pictures to choose are today's selection:

A brace of 10mm 88's from Mr Hodge

Egg's Harrier

Reb Commanders from Kev

More Nappies from Cabey Cabey

Mr Plowman's walker

TFL Painting Challenge: Update Seven

A very slightly slower week this week, but still masses of entries.

In no particular order, we have:

  • The Mad Padre with some Falcata Napoleonic Spanish Light Infantry
  • Two Grand Manner manors from Sapper
  • Chris Kay pops in a huge Warbases building and a Humber armoured car, both in 28mm
  • We have some CoC jump-off points from Carole, along with some rather nice late war German infantry, all in 15mm
  • John Haines is back with some early Continental line infantry from Warlord
  • The Great Gatzemeyer has gone all Dropzone Commander on us
  • Cabey Cabey doesn't forget the pawns: some lovely Napoleonic 'minor characters'
  • A fan of Gaming Models, Jon Yuengling sends in three and a gun
  • and last, but by no means least, Mr Helliwell has some AWI Hessians for us to look at

A quick set of today's pictures, as I have AARs to post:

Cabey Cabey's 'minor characters'

Mark Luther's Burma terrain, claimed in the last update but only just now photographed

I do like Dropzone Commander kit, just wish it was 15mm

Some of Carole's Germans

TFL Painting Challenge: Sixth Update of the Year

A quieter week this week, but still plenty of new submissions.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Lloyd "The Hat" Bowler with his first entry of the year: a zillion little 'planes and some much bigger Romans
  • Sapper spans the ages: New Kingdom Egyptians, Grenzers and a  couple of cracking 15mm helicopters
  • It's scenery time for Mr Luther: some more for Burma and even more the winter
  • Cabey Cabey submits some rather nice Austrian Jaegers...and their dog
  • Mr Yuengling sends in some 15mm WW2 Home Guard (I've actually just been watching 'Dad's Army' on the tv)
  • Matt Slade has already amassed an amazing amount of points. To this total he now adds some Cacadores and a large number of fantasy figures
  • Andy Duffell also mixes and matches his periods: some great looking 28mm WW2 vehicles accompany a Dropship Commander troopship
  • And last, but by no means least, Mr Helliwell submits yet more Thirty Years War foot 

Today's pictures?  See below:

Cabey Cabey's Jaegers

Sapper's 15mm choppers!

Andy Duffell's 38(t)s

The Hat's fleet of aircraft

TFL Painting Challenge: Update Number Five

Apologies for the slight lateness of this update: two games of Six Nations rugby to watch. A great performance from the Scots (really good to see them actually win a game after all the heart and soul they put into their play) and a scrappy victory for England that takes their winning streak to fifteen.

Now, on to today's no particular order, we have:

  • Andrew Helliwell with, as he says, yet more Thirty Years War figures in 15mm
  • John Haines is in a last of the Mohicans Mood: AWI Woodland Indians
  • Mr Luther returns with a large 1/72 entry for his Burma 44/45 project
  • Chris Kay pops in another eight Napoleonic Brits
  • Mr Naylor rebases for Chain of Command
  • Derek Hodge also sends in his first entry of the year: four rather lovely Mediterranean looking buildings
  • Carole sends in two, contrasting entries: houses and barns...and hover tanks
  • Steve Burt is still in the Congo
  • Matt Slade sends in his usual enormous submission: the 95th Rifles and a horde of Dark Age warriors
  • The Mad Padre has a singleton Pasha, a brace of barbarians, and a trio of German AFVs to share
  • And last, but by no means least, Mervyn is still in Middle Earth with some Gondorians and some goblins

Today's pictures are below...

The Mad Padre's AFVs

Carole's hover tanks

John Haines' Woodland Indians

I'm off to the painting table myself now!

TFL Painting Challenge: Huge Fourth Update!

I can't remember the Challenge ever starting off so busy. Entries are flooding in, and I might have to move to doing updates more than once a week!

So, today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Sapper, with no less than three entries spanning three different eras: Napoleonics, modern MBTs and some Anglo-Saxon warriors
  • Steve Burt carries on up the Congo, with the mandatory bearers and a leopard that has definitely changed its spots
  • John Haines, new this year, has already sent in his second entry: some individually painted AWI Militiamen
  • Newbie Old Pivot is going to be playing Sharp Practice in 54mm: here is a group of his British Rifles
  • Jon Yuengling sends in his first entry of the year: some British WW2 minis in 15mm and a quartet of pulp figures
  • The weekly massive entry from Matt Slade: Hasslefree barbarians and bad guys of both the male and female variety
  • WillieB also makes a welcome return with two brigades of Sepoys for Sharp Practice Indian Mutiny: large numbers of lovely figures
  • The Mad Padre calls for the Mounties...and a moose
  • Carole sends in some terrain from Ironclad Miniatures
  • Keith Davies racks up some recce elements for his WW2 Brits
  • Andy Duffell has three 28mm Opel Blitzs for us to admire
  • and last, but definitely not least, Egg presents us with some more Cold War British vehicles...loving these!

So a huge number of entries today, so lots of pictures:

Just a few of Matt's barbarians: mine are okay, but I don't fancy yours!

Just some of WillieB's Sepoys

Check out his gallery to see the rest

Old Pivot's 54mm Riflemen

Egg's Cold War colation

Sapper's Napoleonic collection

Andy's Blitzs

TFL Painting Challenge: Third Update of the Year

More entries coming in all the time. Today's updates are from:

  • Mr Naylor sends in his first update of the year, some 6mm Soviets from WW2
  • Matt Slade, of course, sends in a large amount of Napoleonic French. How does he get the time?
  • Egg has some more Cold War goodness on offer
  • Ms Flint pops in her first entry of the year: five boxes of 15mm plastic armour
  • Keith Davies is also back, and includes a few leftovers from last year as well
  • Chris Kay is new to the challenge, and has some lovely Napoleonic Brits for us to see
  • Ralph Plowman is back to sci-fi, with an exquisite battlesuit on show
  • Mervyn Douglas adds to his Dark Ages collection, and has a few Natal Native Contingent for us to see also
  • And last, but by no means least, Andrew Helliwell has some more Thirty Years War chaps for us to see

So we're off to a very good start already this year. Today's pics are below:

Mr Kay's first entry

Mervyn's NNC

Carole's PSC Shermans

TFL Painting Challenge: Second Update of 2017

Things are starting to get moving now, with lots of first-submissions received this week.

In no particular order, we have:

  • Dave Humm with what was the last of last year's output, but we'll let him claim it this year as last year's books are now closed
  • The Great Gatzemeyer sends in his first entry of the year: some rather nicely painted WW2 German infantry
  • Andy Duffell follows suit, but his are British Commandoes. Perhaps if the two of you...
  • Matt "the machine" Slade slams in another batch of Napoleonics destined for the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Mr Plowman goes gNorman on us in a change from his usual sci-fi offerings
  • Newbie John Haines sends in his first entry ever: some AWI British infantry
  • And other newbie Cabey Cabey has some French Hussars for us to admire, along with some pigs and casualties
  • Steve Burt has been watching Daktari, although I can't quite see whether the lion has crossed-eyes or not
  • We welcome back Mervyn, with his first entry of the year: assorted Celts
  • Egg also sends in his first submission: some lovely Cold War Brits with helicopters rescued from varnish hell with a little olive oil
  • And last, but by no means least, Andrew Helliwell pops in his second entry of the year: some more Thirty Years War troops

Today's pictures are from the Gatz, the Cabey and the Egg...

Cabey Cabey's French Hussars

Egg's Cold War Brits

Garrett's Gatzemeyer's late war Germans

TFL Painting Challenge 2017: First Update of the Year

And so it begins, with the first entries in already!

To start us off for the year, in no particular order, we have:

  • Ralph Plowman, with some very nice sci fi ship's crew
  • Mr Slade with an incredible 300 points-worth of figures already!
  • Sapper submits a sapper's cart
  • Steve Burt begins the year in Africa, Darkest Africa
  • Andrew Helliwell finishes his Tudors (for now) and starts on the Thirty Years War
  • and last, but definitely not least, the Mad Padre kicks off with some barbarian types

Today's pictures are from Steve, Sapper and the Mad Padre. 

Steve's Explorers

Sapper's Sappers

The Mad Padre's Wild Men of Dunland